iPad Testers

Thanks to support from ETS, our campus received 3 iPad minis and so we have a small group of faculty testing out the use of iPads in instruction. A few others have joined us using their own devices

  • Dr. Fulgentius Lugemwa (Chemistry)
  • Dr. Amber Seidel (Human Development & Family Studies)
  • Dr. Noel Sloboda (English)
  • Dr. Steve Lentz (Meteorology)
  • Dr. Jennifer Nesbitt (English)

Today we had a brief session on connecting the devices – with Doceri and then with VGA cables so faculty could see both options. I then worked with them individually in their actual classrooms to work out the bugs of connecting (always a challenge). The next session, we’ll look at functionality of Doceri specifically – with some examples of the kinds of things they can actually do with it.

Some challenges we faced:

When connecting with VGA cables

  • Bulky, heavy extension cables make it difficult to keep the VGA plug in the back of the iPad – to support that, and then also move around in the classroom.
  • Each classroom has a different set-up – so what works in one, looks totally different from another – Switching back and forth between iPad and computer is cumbersome in some classrooms – can’t be handled through the remote – so it requires climbing under the desk and adjusting plugs that way…not practical.

When connecting with Doceri

  • Our networking gurus had to adjust a few things internally and then we had to adjust the IP address (it had stored a previous classroom connection) and we needed to match the passwords for the Doceri App and the Doceri desktop, and then it connected fine.
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