Author Archives: Zachary Morgan Slater

First thing after class today, I called my mom….

Today in class we discussed Autism and how it may have been believed that it was possibly related to the administration of vaccines. I actually called my mom right after because she is a school psychologist and has a first hand experience with autism. Having studied psychology at the graduate level, and working as a psychologist for 20 years, I thought it would be interesting to hear what she had to say about what was discussed in class. As a journalism major, I never thought I would be doing an interview with my mom for my science class, but I thought it would make an interesting post, here is what she had to share:

Q:  What are your thoughts on the alleged links between vaccines and autism?

A: There is an abundant amount of research that proves that there is no link between vaccines (specifically the MMR vaccine) and Autism. There has only been one study from England that made this claim. The research and data from that study has been disproved many times and the researcher who conducted the study has been denounced by the medical field.

Q: What are you thoughts on Jenny McCarthy and what she has to say about autism?

A: I believe that Jenny McCarthy is an “expert” about Autism as it relates to her son and his personal experiences only. She makes global statements, when she has only had “real life” experience with one child on the spectrum. I think that some of the things she states as “fact” about Autism can be misinterpreted by others and give other families struggling with this issue false hope. She uses her own experience as fact and it is frustrating that people take her seriously.

Q: McCarthy claims that she has cured her child of autism, what are your thoughts?

A: As far as I know, there has been no cure for Autism. I believe that her son has received the best level of intervention and therefore has made tremendous gains in his skills and appears more neuro-typical  than he had in the past. Again, saying he is cured gives false hope to a large number of families. 

Q:From your perspective, what do you think causes autism? 

 A: The most recent research indicates that there is a genetic basis to Autism. There is not a single gene, but several genes that show some mutations in people on the spectrum. I believe that these mutations may express/display themselves given certain environmental stimuli.

Q: To your knowledge, how does science play into your role as a school psychologist?

A: Much of what I do on a day to day basis in my role as a School Psychologist is very data driven. I look to data and the scientific method to make critical decisions about behavioral intervention and intervention with students who are struggling with the learning process. Without scientific research and theories which have resulted from that research, I would not be able to effectively do my job.  School psychology practice is also based heavily on developmental psychology, which is considered a “real” science like biology or chemistry.

(Source: My Mom)

If you have any questions about what my mom had to say, feel free to contact me. She loves to talk about her work and has plenty of experience in psychology and in all types of environments.


Science APPS for fun!

Recently, my roommates have been playing a lot of Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty and even Mario Kart. I’m not too interested in video games and  I wanted to find some easy apps too play on my computer or phone when I sat on the couch with them. Strangely enough, both of the apps that I have downloaded have some pretty strong tie-ins to science. 

The first app, Bridge Constructer, has a really strong tie-in to basic physics and engineering. For 9.99(or free basic version) you can download it to your computer from the Mac App Store.The App creates various scenarios in which you have to design bridges that certain weight cars or trucks have to make their way across. (ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT TRIANGLES ARE THE STRONGEST STRUCTURES THAT YOU CAN USE IN A BRIDGE)
The levels get harder as you go along, and the amount of money that is given to you as materials decreases. There are levels that allow you to build in wooden beams, steal, concrete and even cables. I found this app a good way to kill some-time as well as getting my brain stimulated just as a crossword puzzle or sudoku would.
The second app that I have been exploring, is not really game, but more of an interactive universe in which you can discover exoplanets. As recently as this week, it has been confirmed that over 1,000 exoplanets have been discovered. Inspired by the news, I actually found an app that documents these planets and provides you with a visual representation of themThe App, Exoplanet, allows you to explore the galaxy and see where all the discovered exoplanets are. The App is free and is actually very intuitive to use. One of my favorite features allows you to look at the stars from the vantage point of other planets and not as they would appear from earth. The app is free, but there are a few in-app purchases that you can make to discover more of our solar system and galaxy. 
With so many apps to download for your phone or computer, do you have any that have a tie-in to science? 

How do you view earth?

paleblue_custom-b200d49e728a183a8622779513762ba435508898-s2-c85.jpgPolitics, religion, economic and all other things aside, how do you view earth? Personally, I see it as a unique opportunity in a void of complete nothing. I think we all get so caught up in the day-to-day that it is hard to really think about what Earth and life means. I look at earth as home and as a place where I can take any and every opportunity to become the best,  experience the best and encourage the best. I look at it as an opportunity for anything that I see possible.

As much as I personally dislike reading and long/wordy quotes, I believe this quote from Astronomer Carl Sagan is a very important statement, maybe one the most profound statements in the history of our civilization based on this image of earth taken by the Voyager 1 spacecraft, 4 billion miles away from Earth. This is how Carl Sagan views Earth, do you agree?

“Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every “superstar,” every “supreme leader,” every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.

It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.” –Carl Sagan, a pale blue dot

My favorite moments in science, in fact, have been images of Earth taken from outer space, there is something humbling about pictures of earth taken from thousands, millions and billions of miles away. Most recently an image of earth taken by NASA’s Juno Probe on October 9th and the now updated for 2012, “Blue Marble” image. The words though, that are inspired by those images, are all different for every single one of us. I see it as opportunity. Carl Sagan finds it as our one and only home. What words do you have when looking at images of Earth from outer space? 

Physical Pain? Getting rejected on tinder? It all feels the same.

photo.jpgLast year, when the tinder craze began, we all wanted to match with some of our campus crushes. Nothing was better than getting the notification that the other person also said that they liked you, but nothing was worse than waiting for days to see if your crush would like you back, and then realizing they swiped left(confirming they weren’t interested). THEY SAID NO. They didn’t like you back. You were rejected.

Well, scientists at the University of Michigan Medical school have conducted an experiment very similar to tinder, but looked at rejections effect on the brain.

The scientists “asked 18 adults to look at photos and fictitious personal profiles of hundreds of other adults. Each selected some who they might be most interested in romantically, as they would do on a typical online dating website. Afterwards, when the participants were lying in a PET scanner, they were informed that the individuals they found attractive and interesting were not interested in them.”(Saul)

During the brain scans, the scientists looked at mu-opioid receptor in the brain, which is most closely linked to the part of the brain that is activated when there is physical pain. The scientists found that receptors of those that were rejected were activated in the same way that they would be if the body were to be in physical pain. (Saul)

 Dr. Hsu, a lead researcher shared that this was the first time any sort of reaction like this in the human brain, saying: “In general, opioids have been known to be released during social distress and isolation in animals, but where this occurs in the human brain has not been shown until now.”

One part of the researchers method which I did not like was that they told the people involved in the study that that the profiles they were shown were not real and neither was the rejection. It would be interesting if the researchers used real situations and long term examples like tinder, and see what the effects would be on the brain.

How do you mesaure the tallest living tree in the world?

How do you measure the tallest living tree in the world? The answer is actually very simple:drop a measuring tape down from the very top of the tree. When searching for the tallest living tree in the world, naturalists Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor stumbled upon a towering tree in the Redwood National and State parks.(Krulwich)

This tree was given the name Hyperion by the two and was then measured by Humboldt State University ecologist Steve Sillett. For the first time in 2006, Sillett climbed straight up the tree and dropped a measuring tape straight down and found the tree to be just over 379 feet. (Krulwich)

That’s a really tall Tree! Here is a great image comparing it to the Statue of Liberty and Big Ben, showing how tall Hyperion is. (Source)hyperion-height-comparison-statue-of-liberty-big-ben.jpg

Hyperion is actually measured every year by Sillet to confirm that it is still the tallest living tree in the world. The 2012 measurement confirmed that Hyperion was 379 feet and 7.9 inches tall, which is 115.72 meters!(Monumental Trees)

I think it is important that the tree is measured each year. It shows the true power of nature and how incredible it is that trees like this can grow to the height of skyscrapers.

Atkins, Taylor and Sillet have all vowed to keep the location of the tree a secret. This is because they do not want people to hurt, hinder, or destroy, the growth of the giant tree. Sillet said that: “People will want to see it, photograph it, climb it, carve little souvenirs out of it. Trees,are not like people. They “cannot run away from paparazzi.” (Krulwich)

I also believe it is important that they keep the location of the tree a secret. Some people do not value the awesomeness of nature as much as others and it would be sad if someone, somehow, hurt Hyperion. For example, these guys who destroyed an ancient rock formation in Goblin Valley State Park.


Jellyfish Everywhere! And what it means for us…

nemo_03cfa.jpgOver the last 50 years or so, there has been an explosion and infestation of Jellyfish in the waters all around us. Whether it is off the east coast here in the United States, the bays of Australia or South Asia, and in the rough waters surrounding Ireland, Jelly Fish populations have exploded.

An article on by, Gwynn Guilford identified that scientists are puzzled how all sorts of Jellies have been spreading, but that they have identified several reasons why these glooby- globby, and sometimes even killer, Jelly Fish have continued to grow geographically and in population.

1. Jelly Fish eat a lot and eat anything that crosses their paths, like the Comb Jelly Fish. The comb jellyfish eat ten times it’s body weight a day. The Comb Jellies eat so much, that they are even attributed to eating a giant portion of the Black Sea’s fish population, destroying the fishing industry of the region with it. Jelly fish even eat the eggs of some of their natural competitors, causing an impact to fish populations. (Guilford)

2. Jelly Fish make babies fast, and a lot of them. Jellyfish essentially release polyps, mini-sacks of multiple jellyfish. And these polyps even clone themselves, creating an almost exponential increase in jellyfish.  (Guilford)

3. No one is really chasing after them or trying to eat them. Jelly fish have only a few natural predators, such as sea turtles and salmon. However, their predators have been dwindling in numbers due to several reasons, opening the door for Jelly Fish populations to be untouched prey. Also, because Jelly’s are often somehow brought in to new geographic areas, some live in peace with no predators in sight. (Guilford)

4. Jelly Fish are hard to kill. As much as it would seem as a good idea to just try and kill the millions of jelly fish that are killing off fish populations or infecting eco systems, it really isn’t that easy. Some scientists have even discovered that trying to shred Jelly Fish up, actually caused them to become artificially fertilized and ended up creating more jelly fish.(Guilford) (Link to article about shredding jelly fish)

While figuring out the explosion of jelly fish blooms is important, it’s also important to know how the increase in jelly fish blooms has directly effected us as humans. The article on Quartz had a great image showing the impact of jelly fish on the worlds human population, including capsizing a ship off of Japan and limiting the output of Nuclear Power Plants in the United States.


If Jellyfish are having this strong of an effect on humans, maybe it is important to narrow down exactly what factors are causing them to grow in population and spread around the world. I think it would be hard for scientists to do experimental studies on this because it is at a global scale, but will observation or correlation really help solve the problem? 


I guess NBCnews Science and I were on the exact same page when we put together the pieces of Miley Cyrus’s new music video, really funny vines of college bros swinging on a giant pendulum and the Google Doodle in honor of the birthday of the man who created pendulum.

So everyone is talking about it, Miley is swinging on it, but what is it?  I know a pendulum is something that swings around but what exactly is it?

A pendulum, “Mechanically, is one of the simplest experiments possible: a heavy weight attached to a very long string or cable that is free to swing in any vertical plane.”(Sparkes, 2013) The weight is then pulled back and set into motion, but without any horizontal force. It is then let go and left free to swing. The pendulum then swings and appears to be changing direction over time, however, the earth rotating beneath it makes it seem like its traveling in a direction. The pendulum, in fact, is really still swinging on the “same plane relative to the rest of the Universe.” (Saprkes, miley-cyrus-wrecking-ball-prompts-university-to-remove-pendulum-statue.jpg2013)

Well rock on Miley, you are literally swinging on the same plane relative to the rest of the Universe! Who would have thought?

But seriously, Google honored physicist Leon Foucault because he used a pendulum to prove that earth was rotating on an axis. (Davidson, 2013)

Check out this video of a pendulum at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, it’s very calming to watch, but not as soulful as Miley’s music video for Wrecking Ball.

Orangutans, know more about what they are doing tomorrow than I do

I  try to gather myself every night and think about my schedule the next day, but usually I end up on facebook or texting a friend and completely forgetting that I have an assignment due for class the next day or have a meeting in willard. Well, orangutans might be more on top of their plans for tomorrow much more than I am.

Researchers at the University of Zurich have found that male orangutans plan where they are going to travel the next day and even announce it to their social group around them. They found that dominant male orangutans would announces calls into the forest, using their mouths like megaphones, to announce where they would be traveling the next day. These calls are also to announce themselves to the females in the area and scare off the less dominant males. (Source: Science Daily)
The researchers also found that the next day, orangutans would then travel in the direction they called. Also, if the orangutans were to change their plans, they would call again into the forest in the direction that they were to travel. I was able to find the article published by the researchers from Zurich and their conclusion was very insightful. They said:
“We therefore do not expect such a planning ability to be limited to orangutans, but rather to exist also in other apes and perhaps other large-brained animal taxa.” 
Maybe they are talking about me? I’m a large-brained animal right? I actually have a balcony on Beaver Ave. Maybe I should stand out there and scream my schedule for tomorrow for all of State College to here. Maybe then I will make it to my 8am on time. 

Finally, We are FAR FAR AWAY

golden_record_cover_sm.jpgFinally, a part of mankind is really far away, beyond the solar system. On September 12, 2013, NASA confirmed that Voyager 1, a space exploration craft, had left the solar system and entered interstellar space which is about 12 Billion Miles from earth. Voyager 1 was launched on September 5, 1977 and was sent on a mission to observe the solar system. Visiting both Saturn and Jupiter(and one of it’s moons,) Voyager I is the first man made object to exit the solar system.(Harwood,2013) 

Today, Voyager is confirmed leaving the solar system, while it actually entered interstellar space sometime last year. The Voyager Team calculated that the spacecraft entered interstellar space by using the measurements of oscillations in the plasma surrounding the space craft. These oscillations were caused by an ejection of sun particles almost year before Voyager I felt the vibrations itself.(NASA, 2013)
What I think is really interesting is that on Voyager 1, is a snippet of the world. A “Golden Record” is stored on the craft and contains the essence of human life. Curated by Dr. Carl Sagan, the record contains the sights and sounds of our world; recordings of natural sounds and analog images. With greetings in over 50 languages and a message from President Jimmy Carter(President at the time of the launch,) this little disk floats in the vast void of space. The disk was included with the smallest hope that one day, another alien civilization will find it.(The Golden Record) 
I think its cool to think about what I would put on my own golden record if it were to be ejected into interstellar space. Maybe I would include an episode of FRIENDS, or scientific information about human biology. What would you put on your golden record? 

I’m the Amanda Bynes of Science

Hi Everyone,

My Name is Zach Slater and I am a Junior majoring in Broadcast Journalism with minors in Business and Art History. I am really passionate about television, pop culture, twitter, breaking news and anything that is on Netflix. 
I am taking this class because I need 3 more credits in science, and this class fit really well in my schedule. I am not a science major because I am very passionate about other things, but will always have a place in my heart for science. 
Like Amanda Bynes acting career, my success in science was incredible in the late 90’s and early 00’s. As Amanda would say “Amanda Please!”, I would say “Science Please!” I would beg my parents to take me to the Planetarium, Aquarium or anywhere my mind would be full of questions. In the mid 2000’s Amanda Bynes was featured in several blockbuster movies, but wasn’t the star. This is parallel to my science career, in the sense that I was still taking science classes in school, but they were not the focus of my education. The picture of Amanda, above, was taken earlier this summer and is a perfect representation of her career status today. Acting is not her main priority, getting herself together is(or at least should be.) As a junior in college my priority is to get myself together and to begin my career, science is not my main priority, but I have no problem taking some time to learn about it. 
Here is a link to Amanda’s Twitter and my own twitter so you can keep up with our shenanigans.