Author Archives: Heather Elise Wagner

Why do people have a type?

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It’s a very common thing for a person to not consider dating someone simply because they aren’t their “type”. Some people prefer to date blondes, or short people, people of a certain race, and so on. But is there any science backing up the idea that these people are legitimately attracted to people with certain traits? When people look for a sexual partner they automatically try and find the healthiest mate. By this I mean we as humans a programmed to be attracted to general things such as clear skin, healthy bodies, a symmetrical features because they are all indicators that the person is healthy and able to create good offspring. But why is it that people develop such specific requirements when looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend? The reason may lie in homophily. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this term homophily means love of the same, more recently it has been associated with people who date people who remind them of themselves.

It makes a lot of sense that people would be interested in being with someone who share their interests seeing as they would intend on spending a lot of time with that person. But it extends past the extracurricular sense and into the physical one as well. A study done by MIT on online dating requirements, found that people put down race and appearances similar to theirs as being a very important factor in weather or not they would consider dating the person. It seems that peoples type develop from a desire to breed with someone who looks like they do, kind of egotistical but that’s just human nature. A study was done to explore just how similar people prefer their partner to be “David Parrett, a researcher at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, showed students faces of the opposite sex and asked them to rate them on attractiveness. For one of the faces, he used a picture of the student and morphed it into the opposite sex. Of all the faces to choose from, the students almost always preferred the face that was essentially their own.” Isn’t it weird that we want to create people so similar to ourselves, especially considering the fact that genetic diversity tends to produce the healthiest off spring?

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Another reasoning for people having a type that is similar to their own is the fact that they will face fewer obstacles in their relationship. People from similar socioeconomic backgrounds wont encounter as many differences in opinion regarding money and wealth. Also people with similar education levels can communicate very effectively with each other. So overall it seems weird but I suppose that because you can’t date yourself people try to find the closest possible thing and that is why some people have such specific types.

Why do smells retain memories?

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Everyone knows that certain smells can trigger memories. You’re walking down a boardwalk and get a whiff of someone’s sunblock and suddenly you remember going to the pool with your friends as a kid. I have always wondered why these memories seem to be more vivid then other memories we have. For example if a see an old picture I can sort of remember taking it but just smelling the sunscreen I was wearing that day paints a vivid image in my head. It turns out that this particular type of memory is called an olfactory memory. The reason that olfactory memories are so powerful is due to the position of the olfactory nerve in the brain. It is located very close to the amygdala, which is the part of the brain that deals with experience of emotion and emotional memory. The olfactory nerve is also close to the hippocampus, which anyone in psych will be able to tell you is heavily associated with memory. So the location of this nerve is in prime real estate for creating powerful memories that are heavily tied to emotion. This explains why went you recall a memory due to smell its typically either very happy or sad.

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Many people have noticed that majority of the memories triggered by smell seem to take place in their childhood. A study done by a writer for psychological science discovered, that the peak age for memoires retained by smell occurs at around 5 years old. “It was really, totally clear that when they recollected a specific memory, that memory was localized to the childhood period,” The memories were also more emotional and more vivid than memories brought up by visual or verbal cues.” The study also discovered that the brain tends to imprint the earliest exposure to a certain smell with its memory that it forms. So take the sunscreen I mentioned earlier, I’m certain that I have used it later in my life, but every time I smell it I am still reminded of my very early childhood and my mother slathering me in the stuff. This is because olfactory memory is not affected by retroactive interference, which is when new memories formed such as learning a new language interfere with older memories such as a previously spoken language. This is why people have trouble remembering older information but have no difficulty remembering something from their very early childhood that is associated with a smell.

A study reviewed by Macalester University discovered, that neurological disorders such as Korsokaffs syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease, show less impairment for olfactory memory ability. Basically people who have difficulty retaining memories in general still have an easier time retaining olfactory memories. What is important about this discovery is it proves that olfactory memory is very different and more powerful than the many other kinds of memory we as humans have.


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So overall it isn’t random when we smell things and have a powerful memory, its due to the olfactory nerve’s perfect position in our brain.

Too Much Coffee

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Coffee is the lifeblood of most college students, they need it to wake up, stay awake, and give them energy to go out and do things. But what happens if you drink too much of it? They say coffee is a drug, and according to, they aren’t wrong. “Caffeine is a stimulant which acts on the central nervous system to speed up the messages to and from the brain.” This explains why people feel more alert when they drink it, and why some people think it helps them study. But there is a threshold to drinking caffeine and if you pass it too much caffeine begins to have drastically negative effects on the body.

According to Mayo Clinic, drinking to much caffeine can lead to insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, fast heartbeat, tremors, and nausea. Ironically many of these symptoms are the reasons that a lot of people drink coffee. The phrase I can’t wake up without my Joe comes to mind, and many people claim to be cranky until they have their morning brew. But what I believe is happening with these people is they have fallen into a negative cycle in which drinking too much caffeine makes them too energized to fall asleep, so they aren’t getting enough rest, and when they do wake up they still feel drained and drink a lot of coffee to feel awake, which just starts the cycle over again.

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There has been a lot of debate about what the healthy amount of coffee per day is. Harvard School of Public Health has determined through studies that up to six cups of coffee is the healthy limit. Wow six cups that’s a lot! You need to keep in mind that when they say cup they mean eight ounces with one hundred milligrams of caffeine, while a grande Starbucks coffee has about 330 milligrams. So no you cannot go to Starbucks six times a day and be healthy, also man that would be a ton of money.

Caffeine functions like most drugs; people develop tolerances to it and suffer from withdrawals when they try to go without it. This is because the body becomes dependent of the caffeine to stimulate itself and the biggest response most people have to withdrawal is intense headaches. A report done by the Times explored caffeine withdrawal and luckily for anyone who is considering quitting cold turkey they found that the symptoms tend to go away in a day or too. Meaning that “rehabilitation” is much easier then other drugs, the most difficult part of the process would be regulating your sleep schedule again.

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However going cold turkey isn’t entirely necessary; there are many studies that have found there are several health benefits to drinking caffeine, in moderation of course. The report by Harvard that I mentioned earlier also discussed how recent science has discovered that drinking caffeine moderately may “protect against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, liver cancer, and liver cirrhosis.” So next time you are feeling like a cup of coffee try to keep it to just one cup, otherwise you may become dependent and develop a tolerance and need more. Before you know it you’re that person at Starbucks everyday that everyone’s always talking about.

Why do we Crave Fatty Foods?


I’m sure many people in college have experienced the same phenomenon; you’re sitting in your dorm when suddenly you have an overpowering desire to eat your mom’s super cheesy mac and cheese or get canyon pizza. More often then not these cravings occur at what we think are random and usually inconvenient times. They are very specific and powerful and recently I began to wonder what exactly causes them. The reason is surprising, it has nothing to do with a nutritional defect or plain hunger, and instead our cravings are triggered by our evolutional need to feel safe. Prehistorically when our early ancestors lived they had to survive off of diets consisting of very high calorie contents. This was because food wasn’t as readily available as it is now, so they literally lived day to day in most clans. But it’s 2014 and there is a McDonalds on every block so why do we still crave fatty high calorie foods?

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They reason can be attributed to survival yet again, but in a kind of backwards sense. According to an article by the Huffington Post, “it doesn’t take an impending famine to trigger these cues. Take the current dip in the stock market, or potential layoffs at the office. An unconscious (and sometimes conscious) fear of financial struggles could be enough to spark the survival instinct to chow down on high-calorie foods.” The article is saying that whenever we realize that our fortunes may be in jeopardy in some way it is the natural instinct of us as humans to chow down on as much high calorie food as possible. Often time’s college students find themselves in financial stress. But the cravings are caused by more then just finances, anything that could potentially disrupt our happiness and life plans, a bad grade, breaking up with your girlfriend, etc., has the ability to make us go into survival mode and crave some French fries. We see sadness as a threat to our health and future. This is like how our ancestors had to gorge themselves because there was a chance their food source would run dry and wreck havoc on their futures as well.

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An interesting report I found relating to this subject by Duke Medicine discovered that mice, which lack the taste buds to discern sweetness, prefer higher calorie sugar then low calorie sugar when both are given as an option. This goes along with how human bodies prefer high calorie foods to lower ones; overall it’s a survival instinct. The body is able to discern which option will be it the most potential energy for future use. After it does this it conditions the brain to desire more whenever its host is threatened. So remember next time you suddenly want a whole bag of pretzels. While it may be in your nature to gorge yourself after a breakup it will only make you happy for a little while and then you’ll be sad and greasy and still broken up.

Why can we remember song lyrics so easily?

It’s a classic situation you are sitting in class taking an exam and trying desperately to remember the answers to the question yet nothing is comes to mind. Instead that random song from 2003 pops into your head and you before you know it you are humming it and remembering the lyrics. You know all the words to SpongeBob’s theme song, Avril Lavine’s Girlfriend, and countless other useless songs, yet you cant remember the information you try to force yourself to learn. It turns out there is a reason for this phenomenon, evolution.


According to Daniel Levitin, a psychologist who studies the neuroscience of music at McGill University in Montreal, humans developed a structure in the brain that responds to music before we developed one that responds to language. This is why humans are able to respond so strongly to music. Its potent effect on the pleasure center holds a very significant place in our brains. When listening to music dopamine is excreted and this is has a large effect on the rewards section of our brain. Music is a pleasure to hear and the response we receive from it is strong enough to force our memory to give it significance and retain its lyrics and melody. This is the reason that children have an easier time remembering things taught to them in song format then just spoken to them.

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Normal conversation does not induce as much dopamine therefore is doesn’t induce as many synaptic connections to cause people to keep the memory of the conversation. We also attach music to our emotions and senses; this is why some songs can spark memory and feelings such as sadness or happiness. The song brings us back to when we were listening to it often enough to allow us to memorize its lyrics, and we recall what emotional state we were in.

The reason we remember certain song lyrics has been theorized to be due to “ear worms”. Often people only remember certain segment of songs, typically the chorus or opening. The reason for this is the neural circuits in our brain are forced into a loop and wind up repeating the song, causing a song to get stuck in our heads. This repetition causes us to commit the lyrics to memory for very long amounts of time. Often our memory can be jogged by just hearing the first words of the song or opening beat. These annoying segments burrow deep into our memory hence the name earworms. So overall it seems that music is able to hold such significance in our memories due to its ability to induce dopamine and its relation to our early evolution. Unfortunately for us college students our textbooks don’t stimulate us nearly enough to allow us to memorize as much as we need to.


What should you do to a sunburn?

Many students on Saturday went to the game and if the score wasn’t miserable enough the weather decided to add insult to injury (literally) and gave many people some pretty wicked sunburns. Now we all understand how sunburns work, if you are exposed to long outside to the sun your skin will develop a red tone and be very sensitive to the tough. I decided to do a bit of research though and go a bit more in depth as to what exactly is occurring in your skin while the game disappoints you.


The basic issue at hand is absorption of far to much Ultraviolet exposure. The body’s response to it is to dilate the blood vessels, which causes a loss of moisture in your skin; this causes the tightness many people often feel when they know sunburn is coming on. Some people may feel itchy in the areas being exposed and rub the areas periodically as the burn intensifies. Your body will try to defend itself against the rays by developing melanin. For those of you who enjoy tanning (which is also very damaging to the skin) you may be familiar with this term. Melanin is the pigment that is produced when your body tans. But when a person is exposed to more sunlight then the body can produce melanin to compensate for that’s when the threshold is passed and the skin becomes burned. Some people may claim to develop a tan after receiving a burn and this is possible but obviously not advisable.

Now that the damage has been done its time to treat the burn. Everyone has heard that Aloe Vera is the best treatment for a burn, but why is this true? It turns out that the use of Aloe Vera in medicine can be dated back to the ancient Egyptians where it was regarded as the immortality plant. It makes sense considering how strong the sun is in Egypt that a burn ointment was considered a gift from the gods. The plant is full of anti-inflammatory compounds which can be found in the clear gel is secretes when cut open. When applied to the burn this gel is very quickly absorbed and gets to work reducing swelling and redness allegedly. However there aren’t actually very many studies supporting the idea of Aloe Vera actually treating the burns. Instead majority of doctors agree that while it does reduce pain we cant say for sure that it speeds up the healing process by a very measurable degree. So the actually of the plant is that its main power lies in its pain relieving qualities.

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There are only a few ways to definitely speed up the healing of sunburns. The first thing you should do is take a cold bath, shower, and apply a cold compress to the area. This is the standard practice for treating regular burns so it makes sense that it works in mild skin burns. Next is the keep yourself hydrated as a sunburn greatly decreases the moisture in your body and you need to replenish it to allow your body to heal quickly. Lastly and most important is to stay out of the sun until your skin is no longer sensitive. So unfortunately despite some creams advertisements there is no overnight cure for a sunburn. The only option you have really is to be proactive about them and remember your sunblock next time.,default,pg.html

They better figure out a cure for arthritis soon or we’re doomed

Every single person reading this right now has a smart phone, or a tablet, played a video game at some point, or has some other techie thing in his or her possession. Which means we are all going to develop some serious pains in the joints in our hands when we are older. It makes total sense, we spend literally hours on end tapping on screens, and flexing the same joints over and over again. The damage is already beginning; according to a study presented at the 2011 annual congress of the European League Against Rheumatism children are already reporting pain in their hands to their doctors during yearly physicals.


Interestingly enough young girls between the ages of 9-15 seem to report twice as much pain as boys. But it was also discovered that those involved in the study appear to send more text messages on average then their male counterparts. Many doctors are reporting that the stress found on the hands of the current youth generation is very similar to the stress found on the hands of adult assembly workers. Clearly the obvious connection here is that both parties engage in very repetitive movements for hours on end, day after day. According to Vipul N. Nanavati, MD, an orthopedic specialist and director of the upper extremity program at the Orthopedic Specialty Hospital at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. The most common places where we see arthritis from repetitive hand use is “at the base of the thumb,This type of injury may cause shooting pain that radiates up the forearm.” Unfortunately, for our generation this issue is only going to get worse. If children are already reporting pain, imagine how bad it will be when they are in full adulthood.

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We only just recently became introduced to the tablet lifestyle in the past ten years or so, and are fortunate to hopefully have a few more years until we start reporting pains of our own. Though I don’t know, some of you may already be experiencing this. There is no “cure” for arthritis, and unfortunately the only suggested solutions to this growing problem seem to be to avoid it. As in give up electronics, yeah because that’s totally easy for people to do these days. I have hope that our hero will rise soon and come up with an actual solution.


Why do we blush?

Some people have really good poker faces. You can never really tell if they’re nervous or upset. Then there are paler people, and for some reason the human body decided nope I’m going to make it super obvious every time you get embarrassed. I’m going to make sure your entire face turns red; yup I’m going to make you blush.


Now there are some people who find blushing to be cute. Do you want to know something about those people? They are wrong, dead wrong. Lets start with the fact that blushing is really random, I mean it happens when you meet someone cute, fail a test, want to cry, any emotion really can lead to blushing. What’s actually happening in your body when you blush is over activity of the sympathetic nervous system, prompting blood vessels to open wide and flooding the skin with blood. But why does this happen when our bodies are uncomfortable. Doesn’t it seem counter productive that our reaction to embarrassment is a big flashing wave to the public that yes indeed you are embarrassed. Interestingly the reaction is part of our fight or flight reflex. Recent studies done by undergraduate students at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands have discovered that “the act of blushing serves to signal the actor’s genuine regret or remorse over a wrongdoing, showing that the person recognizes the social or moral infraction and will probably endeavor not to repeat it. Blushing can help others predict your future behavior, assuming that you, like many others, do not enjoy being embarrassed and have learned from your mistakes. They are appeased by the involuntary act of contrition.” I think that’s pretty interesting basically it means that when we blush we are signaling others to take pity on us, but usually people just ask if you’re feeling ok. But I suppose it makes sense kind of because admit it, every time someone does something embarrassing for a split second the only thing we all think is “thank god that wasn’t me”, and usually we feel bad for the person, and move on quickly.  So, maybe blushing really does trigger some sort of forgiveness inside us.


Can we catch up on sleep on the weekends?

So we are all college students and I’m sure I am not alone in not getting nearly enough sleep due to all the various responsibilities I have that take up my time. Classes, homework, sports, clubs, friends, jeez it seems the list of things we are expected to do in college is never ending, however there are still only 24 hours in the day to do it all. sleep 3 Many people see the weekends as their salvation and the phrase “catch up on some sleep” is spoken with a grin in regards to what our plans for the weekend are. But I’m curious as to weather there is any scientific basis on this idea. Can our bodies actual recover from all the adverse side affects of not getting enough sleep throughout to week by getting possibly too much of it over the weekends? According to Scientific American there is a penalty our body accumulates when we abuse our sleeping patterns. “Sleep debt is the difference between the amount of sleep you should be getting and the amount you actually get. It’s a deficit that grows every time we skim some extra minutes off our nightly slumber.” So logically one would think if they missed 7 hours of sleep that they were supposed to get in one week (assuming a person should sleep 8 hours a night) if they slept for 15 hours in one day they would be able to repay their sleep debt. But this is unfortunately not the truth. Lets begin to address this issue by looking at what exactly the side effects of not getting enough sleep are. The Huffington Post has an article on the 8 biggest effects of sleep deprivation but to summarize they are increased stroke risk, greater chances of obesity and diabetes, memory loss, bone damage, cancer risk, heart pain, and death. These risks are associated with prolonged sleep deprivation, which unfortunately for college students is quite common. Now there is some hope after all, sleep debt can be repaid, but it is a process and not a quick solution. It takes months and regulation of a new improved sleep schedule before the human body begins to show signs of improvement from the damage the deprivation did in the first place. But suppose you already have a healthy sleeping pattern and pulled an all-nighter to work on a project, will you be able to repay your debt the next day? The answer is yes! This type of sleeping you would be doing the next day is referred to as recovery sleeping, where you sleep an additional amount to your usual pattern. “For recovery sleep, both the hours slept and the intensity of the sleep are important. Some of your most refreshing sleep occurs during deep sleep. Although such sleep’s true effects are still being studied, it is generally considered a restorative period for the brain. And when you sleep more hours, you allow your brain to spend more time in this rejuvenating period.” So a bit of advice for all of us, our sleeping patterns are important and must be regulated. Staying up all night can be resolved with extra sleep only if the person doing this doesn’t make a habit of it. Be careful how you value your sleep, you may not realize how important it is to your health. sleep 1


Why do humans have hair on top of our heads?

Have you ever just looked around at humans and realized that we look really, really, weird? Aside from horses we are pretty much the only species that has a huge concentration of hair in one particular spot. Sure, there are some furry people out there with a good amount of body hair, but why is it that we continuously grow so much hair and in such different varieties on top of our heads? Well evidently I was not the only person only ever wonder this and according to the New York Times the answer lays in first questioning why humans lost their body fur. As were evolved from primates the most obvious difference between us has got to be the fact that humans aren’t covered head to toe in thick fur.  As it turns out we don’t exactly know why humans lost their fur but one of the most prevailing theories is that “Humans lost their body hair, they say, to free themselves of external parasites that infest fur — blood-sucking lice, fleas and ticks and the diseases they spread.” This would make sense in regards to survival of the fittest, those born with a mutated gene for less hair are less prone to sickness and pair off with others and pass on the beneficial gene and a few centuries later we have the “naked” man. But remember sexual selection plays a big factor in evolution and despite our desire for hairless bodies the attraction to those with a thick crop of hair atop the head prevailed.

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But this still doesn’t exactly answer my question as to why we developed hair that is worn on top our heads in so many different fashions.  So after some more extensive research on the different types of hair out there I found myself closer to what I was looking for. To begin with the reason we have hair on top of our heads is it provides the scalp insulation from the sun, blocks UV light exposure, and provides cooling when sweat evaporates from soaked hair. So that at least explains what it is doing there. But why does the texture and coarseness of hair vary so much in humans?

Beginning with color, pigmentation in humans is what determines the color of hair. Eumelanin is a pigment that results in darker hair colors such as dirty blond, brown, and black, while pheomelanin occurs in red hair. What about blonde hair you might ask? Well interestingly enough they have the same pigmentation as darker haired people they just have significantly less of it found inside the follicle. In regards to why there are so many different textures of hair scientists aren’t entirely sure but the main theory is that the shape of the hair shaft affect the curliness of the hair. Those with rounder shafts have straighter hair, while those with flatter more condensed hair shafts have curlier hair. So overall the way you become matched up with your specific hair color and type of hair is the same way you inherit any trait, through your genes. This is why curly haired people have curly haired children, because they are passing down the flatter hair shaft gene.

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Now we all know that certain races have similar hair textures and the reason for that is pretty interesting. African American hair is primarily curly or kinky and this is due the intense UV light exposure in Africa, in which curly hair proved to be more beneficial in cooling and protecting the scalp from the sun. While in Asia where straight hair is the norm, there wasn’t enough intense heat to cause the need to evolve hair into curly formations and through sexual selection and evolution straight hair was found to be desirable and was passed down. Overall our hair is a very fascinating subject, one that science still has many different questions to answer.

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The Male Contraceptive?

It seems that with the availability of contraceptives to college students unintended pregnancy should be a fear of the past. However we all know that there are still many factors involved with safe sex that can go awry and lead to difficult decisions. Condoms are still the number one form of birth control used by students. Yet they can be ineffective due to ripping, slipping, or expiration. Many women decide to take further precaution and go on the birth control pill but unfortunately there is still a high risk of  forgetting to take a pill or taking them incorrectly. Many men have claimed that if there were a male version of the pill they would take it. Well it seems that this day may soon come,  not in the form of a pill, but a one time injection to the penis. Sounds scary I know but not as scary as an unplanned pregnancy.

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RISUG (which is an acronym for “Reversible Inhibition of Sperm Under Guidance”) is similar to vasectomy but with several advantages, the most significant being that it is more reversible. Researchers achieve this feature by injecting a polymer (a gel) into the vas deferens, rather than cutting the vas (as is done in vasectomy). If a man wishes to restore fertility, whether after months or years, the polymer is flushed out of the vas with another injection.

This injection has already had luck in India where clinical trials on men are already underway. The reason many of the men volunteered for the procedure instead of having their wives undergo female sterilization is “Male sterilization is simpler and safer. Why would anybody put his wife at risk?” It is already known that majority of female hormone supplements found in contraceptives aren’t exactly healthy for women as they have side affects like nausea, headaches, breast soreness, acne, decreased libido, depression, moodiness, weight gain. It seems that this drug may be a healthier option for those in committed relationships seeing as there have been no such adverse side affects on its users.

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This drug seems to be very effective in its trials on both animals and humans, yet it is still in very early stages of development. Big pharmaceutical companies block majority of its efforts due to the fact that this injection has the potential to dramatically decrease the amount of people buying monthly contraceptives and single use condoms. Why pay out of pocket week after week if there is a single solution? The Parsemus Foundation,which created the drug named Vasalgel, predicts that it will be available by 2017 but they urge the public to donate to their cause as these wish to sell the product cheaply so it may be available to all who wish it. I wonder if our generation of men would be willing to undergo such an invasive procedure in exchange for peace of mind in knowing that they are protected from unplanned pregnancy. I guess we will found out in a few years.


First post

Hey everybody! My name is Heather Wagner and I am studying public relations. I am doing this course because my advisor told me that other people in my major loved it. I never have been really interested in science and I love media relations so I am definitely not planning to be a science major.  Enjoy this picture of Dobby the elf
