Tag Archives: steroids

Let’s Get Bigger.


Let’s get bigger. Better. Stronger. Faster. Toner. Let’s do it faster. Easier. How can we accomplish this? Steroids. Steroids are a type of drug which is used to enhance a human’s strength. Sounds cool and efficient right? Steroids can be looked at in a positive and negative way, especially in sports.

Steroids can be natural or unnatural due to the way you look at it. The human body naturally produces the correct amount of steroids to help fight stress and grow more during the stage of puberty(Steroids 1). Those are the natural and healthier steroids. The unnatural type of steroids is the medication that you inject yourself with to gain strength, fight pain, fight asthma, or fight skin issues(Steroids 1). Those are the type of steroids that I am talking about. These steroids are referred to anabolic steroids and, according to kidshealth.org, “are artificially produced hormones that are the same as, or similar to, androgens, the male-type sex hormones in the body”(Steroids 1). The most common and controversial issue with these types of steroids are when they are used in professional sporting events.


Some people believe that steroids should be allowed to be used in professional sports. There have been multiple arguments stating that if players take steroids, the sporting events would be more fun to watch since they are bigger, faster, and stronger. With that being said, more tickets would be sold since the games would be more interesting and fun. Just imagine the Top 10 plays on SportsCenter; those plays would be happening non-stop every single game. Imagine the great players of each sport; it would turn them into legends. Statistics and scores would increase into incredibly ridiculously high numbers as well. Overall, it would make sporting events more entertaining and more fun to watch.


Some people believe that steroids should not be allowed to be used in professional sports. There have been arguments stating how using steroids is unfair to the players who do not use steroids. It would not be fair if some players were getting better statistics than others because they took steroids. Also, some argue that steroids ruin the beauty of sports. The reason why professional sports are so incredible is because these men and women are naturally extremely talented, which make professional sports unbelievable. Finally, steroids have really bad side effects and it would just be healthier to not take steroids. For example, steroids may decrease one’s testicle size, develop breasts, get painful erections, get acne, get yellowish skin, increase heart attack risk, enlarge heart-size, increase risk of liver disease or cancer, suffer delusions, increase levels of bad cholesterol, and many more(Why 1,2). As you can see, it has so many health effects that it may not be worth it.

The best way to test this issue out is to randomly survey a group of people and find out if steroids should be allowed or not in professional sports. The results could obviously be flawed because there are many confounding/third variables that could alter the data. Maybe there could be an in-between agreement which could be settled such as making a drug which is a lower dosage of steroids and are safer to use. This way the players would be getting slightly better while keeping nice and healthy. What do you think could be a possible resolution to this issue?


Works Cited

“Steroids.” KidsHealth – the Web’s Most Visited Site about Children’s Health. Ed. Steven Dowshen. The Nemours Foundation, 01 Oct. 2013. Web. 04 Dec. 2014.

“Why Steroids Are Bad for You.” WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2014.