Try Fitting A Round Peg in a Square Hole

Hi! My name is Ajay Shethna and I don’t think I will ever be a science major. Try fitting a round peg in a square hole and you’ll understand the relationship between me and science. However I’ve always been interested in the questions science can answer and its ability to explain the natural world, I like that science is always about speculation because nothing is permanent. Likewise while there are so many questions that humanity has answered there are twice as many questions that we have not and science provides an outlet for those answers.

Image result for galaxy image

Yet I still can’t be a science major because when I take the classes and learn the lessons it becomes less about what questions do I want answered by science and more about learning an endless amount of facts that usually just go right over my head. However SC200 provides exactly what im looking for in a class about science, its less about fact retention and memorization and more about the limit of our classes creativity in what we choose to talk about. I feel like thats an amazing concept because it gives me the ability to think scientifically even though im not looking at formulas or calculating for molar mass. This is a link to something I have always been interested in, this link talks about the formation of a dark matter galaxy and I personally am interested in how dark matter is created and how an entire galaxy could be created out of dark matter. Im looking forward to working with all of you in class!

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