Why Science Is Not the Path For Me

Hi guys!

My name is Catherine Drinker and I’m a freshman from Hermosa Beach, California. I am currently in the Division of Undergraduate Studies but am planning on majoring in Marketing in Smeal. I have never been interested in science and when my advisor said there was a science class that I might actually be excited to be in, I initially doubted him but when looking into SC200 it actually was something I could see myself enjoying it.

My least favorite thing, when it comes to science, is that there is a process set up to follow in order for scientists or researchers to find an answer to a scientific question they are interested in. What I’m referring to is the “scientific method” and begins with making observations, then thinking of questions, formulating hypotheses, developing predictions that can be tested, collecting data to use for testing, and lastly, developing theories. Many times this process is not a smooth one. One’s hypothesis can be completely off and must be altered or changed completely which may not be known until after it is completely tested. Each step is so particular and no matter how specific you are, there is still room for someone to be completely wrong about their hypothesis because there is not guarantee when it comes to an experiment and what the results will be. I was never good at labs and following each step perfectly in high school, this was me:


My favorite thing about SC200 so far, is that in this class I can already tell everyone will have different interpretations and ideas about each topic and everyone’s views will be accepted and also challenge the way I look at things.



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