Cheating lesson part 2

Cheating lesson part 2 is quit different from the first article cheating lesson part 1. Cheating lesson part 2 talks more on world wide cheating. James  M. Lang uses psychologist George M. Diekhoff’s research on students in Japan as more evidence to support his theory and solution. The results from Diekhoff’s research somewhat contradicts what Lang stated in his first article. Psychologists George M. Diekhoff discovered that the amount of cheating in Japan was a greater number than the amount of cheating in the U.S. He also realized that the students who were caught cheating were not just young students but older students too. He uncovered the reason of such high rates of cheating as well, because students in Japan have higher stakes than American students. Students in American have many opportunities to still pass a class even if they fail a test  or two, because teachers tend to give the students many homework assignments, quizzes , test, and projects. Although, Japan students do not have those same opportunities.  They typically have one to two exams and that’s it. Which adds more pressure for them to think that they have to do extremely well. The pressure is also what drives the student to cheat. This information caused Lang to redesign his solution on how to reduce cheating. He now says that yes teachers should rework the learning environment but if the  teachers does not want to change the rigor of the curriculum they should at least add more quizzes with information that will help them with their main exam. Not only will this minimize the number of cheating, push the students to still want to try hard to succeed ,  but also it will help the students learn more.

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