Favorite day of class

Jason Wright’s guest lecture was probably my favorite class all semester.  As a philosophy major I enjoy asking difficult questions and searching for answers.  One of those questions is what are some of the things that science will never know.  Jason talked about how the philosopher Comte had the idea that you will never be able to measure the chemical component of things.  But to most non science people, this doesn’t really satisfy our search for what science can’t find out.  

So what is the deal with science?  Taking this class I had hoped to get a better understanding of it.  I’m not a science person and really taking the class as a requirement but the biggest thing I learned is to think through everything.  Science is not meant to give you straight answers all the time but it is meant to allow you to think through it.  You will be able to see what something is as you are exploring it but sometimes you never understand it fully.  All you could do is think through it.  

3 thoughts on “Favorite day of class

  1. Maximilian Arthur Kesner

    I too liked Jason Wright’s lecture. Like you, I don’t see myself as a “science person.” Your post is well written, but it lacks both science and structure. The post itself is basically just your opinion on what science is or is supposed to be. I do think that your statement that science is not supposed to give you an answer outright is correct. You could make this blog better by incorporating an article or study that interests you. Also, some pictures couldn’t hurt. Pictures are aesthetically pleasing. Here is a study on how pictures can heal, maybe you will find it interesting.

  2. Matthew Porr

    I think that this post has a lot of potential and it seems like you taking away a great view of science from this course and it could be better if you had maybe tackled one of the subjects that Jason Wright talked about and formed a position or some questions based on his presentation. You could possibly benefit from using a better format for your posts that includes an intro, body, and conclusion, and by using a credible source to help form a position.

  3. Molly Mccarthy Tompson

    I agree–Jason Wright presented a very enjoyable lecture. I was engaged throughout his lecture and, as a non-science major, the information he presented was very interesting. This post might have been better if you incorporated more of the actual science he discussed, or included some scientific research and information you gathered on your own to relate back to his lecture. You should try to include things from class like the risk, hypotheses, or problems like false positives and the Texas Sharpshooter problem in your posts. This post is mostly opinion and personal reflection. It is well written, but it might be more useful if you include some more science.

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