The point of it all

Nine months later, and we’re off again. The second iteration of SC200 starts in two days. goal-target.jpg

I used to teach scientists science.  Now I find myself totally engrossed in teaching non-scientists science.  It is way more fun, but it also feels way more important.  I have been wondering why. Sure, the course has the totally worthy goal of making the citizens and leaders of the future better consumers of science by increasing scientific literacy.  But I think there is even more to it than that.
I learned last year that teaching non-science students how to think critically about science is a very, very good way of teaching critical thinking in general.  
On this course, there are no facts I have to get across, no vocational knowledge required. It’s all about thinking at its barest.
The very point of university.

One thought on “The point of it all

  1. Suzanne Zakaria


    I agree with you when you say that this class is about thinking at its barest. There is no memorization formula; it’s all about critical thinking and analysis. Perhaps your experience teaching science to non-scientists was particularly satisfying because it allowed you to explain seemingly intricate theories in simpler terms, causing you to work through the harder problems in the process.


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