"We need to reduce tornado fatalities due to building collapse."

Engineers need better tools to design for tornado resilience.


Modeling the tornado-structure interaction to characterize and evaluate tornado effects on low-rise buildings is my current research focus.  This is an interdisciplinary problem involving both computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA) to arrive at innovative solutions to tornado wind loading.

Under the advisement of Dr. Ali Memari, and with the support of the Pennsylvania Housing Research Center and the Architectural Engineering Department, I am currently working toward a PhD in structural engineering.  As part of my research, I am analyzing existing data from recent tornado events to test the theory that structural failure as a result of a tornado is progressive in nature; that one failure leads to another.  


If you have seen an instructor walking to class carrying cardboard blocks under one arm and a long piece of foam in the other, you have probably caught me on my way to give an extra-sensory lecture on structural analysis.  For me, it is not enough to provide a theoretical lecture and then work problems on the chalkboard (or tablet!).  I augment my lectures with a variety of hands-on props to help students transition from abstract theory to tangible application.  

About Heather

Heather Sustersic, P.E., is a Structural Engineer and Research Associate experienced in designing structural solutions for architectural projects.  Heather joined the Architectural Engineering structures faculty in August, 2012, as a Research Associate on joint appointment with the Pennsylvania Housing Research Center (PHRC).  In addition to identifying funding resources for the PHRC, Heather assists in the writing and preparation of proposals for government- and industry-sponsored research, and writing research reports and other publications.

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