
CI Blog Ideas

Posted by on Jan 10, 2013 in Uncategorized | 3 comments

So I’m really excited about this new Civic Issues blog, and  I already know that I’m going to like it more than the RCL blog. As I looked through the various topics one that caught my eye was education. Some of the subtopics include college sports, diversity funding, public education,  and the liberal arts. Although I’m not sure right now, the specific issue that I will most likely focus on is diversity on campus. As a person of color, diversity is very important to me and it’s an issue that is at the forefront of my mind in basically everything I do.

The only thing I’m worried about is wanting to change my topic after one post. But the good thing is that I know that there’s a wealth of information on this topic and I will have no problem finding videos, links, and articles about this particular topic.

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Blog Assessments

Posted by on Dec 6, 2012 in RCL, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Here are my strongest Passion posts:

Bald for Bieber

Love is Louder than the Pressure to be Perfect

And my strongest RCL posts: 

Do the Right Thing

Gangnam Style


For the Passion posts that I chose I believe that these are the most important for a very specific reason. This reason has to do with the overlying themes brought up in the posts.  One post deals with the idolization of celebrities and the other is the issue of body image in not only celebrities but normal people as well. In both posts I tried to go deeper than just summarizing the big story in celebrity news for that week. The Bald for Bieber post not only placed the blame of extreme idolization of celebrities on parents but our society as a whole. My Lady Gaga post took the issue of body image and focued it on someone who you may not have thought struggled with issues such as Bulimia and Anorexia. I wanted to provide a forum for discussion on serious topics that re not always at the forefronts of our minds. From the content of the posts and also the comments left by others I think that I can safely say that the posts did what they were supposed to do.

For my RCL posts I think  I took public events (Do the Right Thing event, Gangnam style phenomenon) and posed the necessary questions needed to analyze these things in order to provide relevant and stimulating discussion. For the Do the Right Thing post I expressed my views on the movie and subsequent Q&A session and I raised topics that may have been sensitive in nature but necessary. I did the same thing for my Gangnam Style post. What I talked about was met with dissention from a few people and provided an opportunity for people not only in our class but ariund the country to look at their actions concerning the video and maybe come to a realization that it was not all innocent.

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WIP- Paradigm Shift Ideas

Posted by on Oct 12, 2012 in Uncategorized, Work In Progress | 3 comments

For my Paradigm Shift Paper I’m thinking of exploring the shifts in marriage starting in the 90s until now. The reason for choosing this topic is that I have noticed that the way that people view marriage in this generation is vastly different than those of an older

generation. In older years, people viewed marriage as essential to a happy life but now it is viewed as purely a religious institution.I will definitely be looking at various marriage statistics concerning things such as opinions on marriage, gender roles, etc. I will be taking this information from graphics such as the one on the right. I can also draw from personal experiences such as people of an older generation that I can talk to and also my peers from my own generation.

Through our class lesson on Thursday, I already have a couple of credible sources for my paper. Sites such as the CQ Researcher, and the Gale Virtual Library will be very helpful in aiding me with my research. I think that I will be able to excel at researching this topic because marriage is something everyone has an opinion on and can relate too. I will also be able to tie in my personal experiences with things such as marriage and divorce for the paper


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