History of Education-Rethinking school

History of education- Rethinking Schools (www2.ed.gov/nclb/landing.jhtml)


Students have been given  standardized test which comes No child left Behind policy, However many people say giving a kid a test is not the way to judge what kids learn. The way the school system is, put many disadvantage kids at risk. Many inner city kids go to a school were, teacher give up on the kids. This factors cause these kids to be at a disadvantage, for they are not being properly thought. They under perform on the standardized test, and their schools lose funding.

This put these kids at a disadvange compare to other schools, which hurt the kids which was already worse off before the No child left Behind policy was implemented. Judging student solely on standardized test is not the way to judge a students performance in school. There are other factors that play a role in the kids performance, and punishing a school for under performing is not the kids fault. However, punishing the students is the governments and making them worse off is the policy makers fault.

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