
CONGRATULATIONS to all of the 2021 winners and a very big THANK YOU to all of those students and their advisors who entered projects into this year’s event!

The Undergraduate Research Subcommittee has announced the 2021 Undergraduate Research Web Showcase award winners for poster projects in each category, oral presentations and the University Libraries Literacy Awards.

A Message from Our Students

About the Virtual Web Showcase

There will be oral presentations in ZOOM rooms and research posters online for everyone to check out and enjoy in a variety of disciplines highlighting our students’ interests and knowledge in their areas of study.

As always, research awards will be given for first and second place winners in each category, who will receive monetary prizes in the form of gift cards that will be mailed out to them.

For those not submitting, we are encouraging you “to attend” our virtual research fair and show your support for our students who have worked so hard on these projects in helping to make our second annual Virtual Undergraduate Research Fair and Exhibit a success.