Campaign Blog

Over the Edge of Beaver Stadium on Oct. 8 is opportunity for community, students
Penn State United Way’s fundraising event provides opportunity for rare experience while supporting Centre County United Way…LEARN MORE

Bringing the Olympics to Liberal Arts
The annual Liberal Arts Office Olympics recently brought staff from the College of the Liberal Arts together to show off for a good cause – raising funds for the Centre County United Way…LEARN MORE

Popular ‘Over The Edge’ fundraiser returns to Beaver Stadium on Oct. 8
Special event supporting the University’s charity of choice, Centre County United Way, offers participants the chance to rappel off iconic stadium…more details

United Way Benefit event offers chance to go ‘Over The Edge’ at Beaver Stadium
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A charitable event — and the first of its kind to be held at Beaver Stadium…

Centre County United Way helps families feel ‘more rooted’ in the community
Your support for the Penn State United Way campaign empowers local nonprofits to make a difference when it’s needed most

United Way campaign helps provide safety net for families who need childcare
Your support for the Penn State United Way campaign empowers local nonprofits to make a difference when it’s needed most

WATCH: The Greatest Gift
During a time in his childhood when his family was struggling, CommRadio manager and former Penn State United Way Campaign co-chair Jeff Brown learned that the greatest gift of all is the generosity of neighbors helping neighbors. Watch to learn how an act of kindness impacted his family, and visit to learn how you can support your neighbors in need today.

United Way campaign helps support fight against housing, food insecurity
Your support for the Penn State United Way campaign empowers local nonprofits to make a difference when it’s needed most

The Penn State United Way campaign remains a critical resource for our community
A message from Penn State President Eric Barron, Vice President for Outreach Tracey Huston and Earth and Mineral Sciences Dean Lee Kump

Penn State United Way campaign continues, and it’s more important than ever
For more than 40 years, Penn State has designated the Centre County United Way as the university’s charity of choice. This year, in the face of unprecedented challenges to communities across the nation, including our own, we are proud to continue this tradition…