The Art of Sassy Snowflakes

Christmas is over, I know. We’re all suffering from PCD (Post-Christmas Depression – It is real, so don’t joke.). Now we are just waiting for the icy winter to be over. That’s what’s supposed to happen, right? Thanksgiving happens and then all of a sudden it drops about 20 degrees; Christmas happens and then BAM – spring is supposed to hit you in the face like a lacrosse ball (which has happened to me – well just the lacrosse ball part). Folks, it’s a lie we seem to tell ourselves every year. Winter has only just begun, so why not enjoy it?! And how do we make the best of what may very well be the most depressing season? Well, we make snowflakes. Billions upon trillions of paper snowflakes!

Here is what you will most definitely need:

  • Paper
  • Scissors (if you’re one of those “bad at tearing” people)
  • A Bit of Excitement

Step 1: The Basic Shape Creating

Hold your paper landscape style. Easy so far, right? I know.

Fold your paper so that the bottom left corner meets the top of the paper (like shown below). Brace yourself, we’re making a square.

Then proceed to fold over the little flappy bit at the end so that (when folded over) all you really have is a triangle.

Cut the little flappy thing you had just folded off, so that now all you really so have is the triangle. You can also tear it off if you’re skilled, which it looks like I am not.

(A Tidbit of a Side Note: If you unfold it, you just made a square – congratulations!)

Hold the triangle so that the longest side is facing you. Then, fold the bottom left side of that triangle over to the other (right) end of the triangle.

Hold that now-littler triangle so that the longest side of the triangle is facing you.

Take the bottom left corner of the triangle and fold it over so that it cuts the triangle in about half (as depicted below).

Proceed to fold the other (right) side of the triangle so that it meets the other side of the triangle (as depicted below).

(A Tidbit of a Side Note: You just learned how to fold a napkin to look all fancy – congratulations!)

Cut off the two “tails” with a straight cut, giving you yet another triangle.

Hold the triangle with the shortest side facing you. (SURPRISE, we just switched it up.)  Then cut off the side with the fold (not the side with all the paper flaps).

Then, cut a funky (any funky) design in your 4-sided paper thingy. The following is just me cutting as I please, which you really do not have to follow if you’re feeling that creative spark! My only suggestion is to keep the top, slanty paper fold somewhat intact, considering it’s what is holding your snowflake together.

Step 2: The Actual Designing of Your Snowflake

Cut out a triangle in the upper, larger side.

Cut another triangle a little bit below that same triangle!

Then a more obtuse triangle on the other side (It’s exciting, I know.)!

Step 3: The Unfolding of Paper Perfection

Be gentle, be careful – and UNFOLD!

Step 4: The Obsessive Paper Folding of a Job Done Beautifully

You have just learned to fold the perfect paper snowflake! Now you’re ready to decorate! You could also lay a few dozen of them on an un-expecting napper and then post pictures of the experience to Instagram (only if you’re feeling devious, though). I actually find this to be a very relaxing activity while watching TV. It’s a bit of beautification that can be found in utter boredom.

End Note: Paper-cuts are a real problem plaguing the people of America. If gone untreated, they can leave horrid scars and stinging fingertips. If you or a loved one is suffering from a paper-cut please seek help immediately. Like many dire situations, paper-cuts can be avoided! So, be careful, don’t hurt yourself, and avoid the razor blade edges of that thin, deceptively-angelic, white substance.

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