Spreading Awareness… Immigration Reform

Hello everyone! How has your week been so far? So I guess this week is Red bloggers week. It’s been a real long week, with one test after the other, but luckily today is Friday, and besides the task of reading the fabulous blogs of everyone out there we also get to read about issues happening now a days. So as I said about two weeks ago my topic is immigration, and unlike last week, this time I’m not talking about Adoption. It still has to do with Immigration given that is my main topic, but as I did before I like the idea of branching out, teaching everyone something, while at the same time making it interesting and entertaining.

With that in mind, I was sitting (more like laying) on my bed, watching one of my favorite TV shows when the idea came to me, technology has taken an important role within our lives since our generation has to do a lot with it. But teenager, kids, even adults! are more bound to watch TV, check out gossip, than actual news about what’s happening in other countries. I’m sure none of those would be you, so I decided I would spread a little knowledge or give everyone a lesson with the help of entertainment.MV5BNjMwOTM5OTgzMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTQ4OTM1MjE@._V1_

So for those of you who haven’t ever heard of the show “Jane the Virgin,” then I wholeheartedly recommend it. Its a fictitious show (no vampires, werewolves or mythical creatures people) about a latino family, and the youngest family member gets pregnant, about a month ago I was watching the show and something that happened within it left me thinking, the fact that the show touched Immigration reform, made me real happy, I feel entertainment, is a way to raise consciousness.

One of the characters in the series was to be deported even though they’d suffered a heavy brain injury, why? because they’d illegally come inside the country. At first, I couldn’t believe that would happen, so I started surfing the internet, so that I’d become more knowledgable on the subject, and I stepped upon an article. The News report was written by The Atlanticand it talks about immigration reform and how Obama has developed, and amended it.  There is a DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) in which parents of legalized u.s. children, who are actual citizens are allowed to stay for three years. I believe the U.S. is taking baby steps towards immigration reform, and little by little it’s changing for the better.

An example may be the Dream Act, introduced in August 2001, where it states that illegal minors, who came to the states before the turned eighteen, have attended American High-schools  and are exemplary citizens should be allowed to stay. Please bare in mind that for someone to leave their home country, it must be for drastic reasons, their home country is in their blood, they’d be leaving everything behind, so the only reason they’d even consider do it is if the situation in their neighborhood is drastic.borders

I understand that some of the people that do immigrate illegally to the states may be of bad character, but I don’t believe everybody should be punished for their race, the mistakes they’ve made, much less if they’ve made them keeping their families in mind. this is America, the land of the free, the land of american dreams, the land of second chances, and I believe that people who’ve been through enough hardships in life should get a little break.

As a Hispanic immigrant (legally), I believe in the not just the Dream act but in everything that helps people not just from my home country, but from every country around the world to move to the states, so I’d like reiterate that I was really happy when the show Jane the virgin breached upon the topic of Immigration Reform, because raising awareness in a way I haven’t seen any other show except for maybe Ugly Betty. Thank you for those who read my civics post, I hope it didn’t sound preachy, i just wanted to state what I believe in, so if you have any comments don’t hesitate to do so below!

p.s. What Jane the Virgin (It’s actually quite funny)




4 thoughts on “Spreading Awareness… Immigration Reform”

  1. First off, I love Jane the Virgin! (especially Rogelio!)
    It’s great that America’s slowly moving towards a future where immigrants would be accepted and given more rights, but I think there’s still a long way to go. Great post!

  2. I have heard many great things about Jane the Virgin, but I haven’t been able to watch it yet. I’ll be sure to check it out. I also remember recently one of the actresses from Orange is the New Black talked about her traumatic experiences when her parents were deported when she was a teenager. It was hard to watch and an incredibly moving story. I’m glad the government is taking steps to reform this issue as it affects so many lives.

  3. I believe the Dream Act is a huge step in immigration laws. Several of my friends back home are illegal and they live in fear everyday. I can’t imagine that. Fortunately this act eased some of the pain as it allows them to stay in the country on certain conditions. Personally, I believe if you were a child brought into the country illegally, you shouldn’t be deported because they didn’t have a choice in the matter of migrating there in the first place.

  4. As an immigrant myself, I found this post really interesting and relatable. It’s great that acts such as the Dream Act are being implemented in consideration of immigrants. Even though my family came to the United States legally, I definitely support people of my age that have similar dreams and goals, but are limited because of their immigration status. I honestly do not see much harm in making these young people stay. Of course, some of them could turn out to be criminals, but so can anybody else in the United States, including American born citizens. People are just trying to live their life by working hard and contributing to society. I believe that they need more support. Great post!

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