I’m sure we all have those days, weeks when we just wish we were done with a course. When the motivation to read those chapters just won’t come. Last week was that week for me this semester. I just couldn’t get myself to read a whole chapter in one sitting or type up my notes. It was like every time I opened my book my brain just shut down, or I got distracted by the smallest thing…as long as I wasn’t reading my text I was happy to go clean the kitchen or walk the dog (even if he didn’t want to). So what to do, how do you get out of the funk?

I’ve found that when I get like that the best thing I can do is to get up and change the scenery. I moved took my note book and books outside and worked there.  Or I’ll head to the coffee shop downtown and work there for a bit. When that stops working, I do some yoga or go for a quick walk to take a break. Typically when I’m studying or taking notes I listen to my Hannibal Pandora station, but when I get in that funk I change it up to something a little more motivating. Now I don’t go full on house music or anything, just step up the tempo to some Daft Punk….No music with vocals though, otherwise I end up singing along and never get anything done.

Sometimes all that takes is a small change, sometimes you need something bigger. You’ve just got to find yours.