Dr. Mary Ann Bruns

Dr. Mary Ann Bruns

Associate Professor

Department: Ecosystem Science and Management
College:  Agricultural Sciences
Address: 231-232 ASI Building
Phone: 814-863-0779
E-mail: mvb10@psu.edu
Website: http://ecosystems.psu.edu/directory/mvb10

Restoring biological activity in degraded soils
Soils degraded by erosion, surface mining, or poor management can be improved by adding organic matter and maintaining living vegetative cover.  We are studying the relationships between soil functionality and the amounts, activity levels, and composition of soil microbial biomass. Student interns will conduct experiments on soil microcosms and learn molecular biology and biochemical tests for decomposition and other important soil functions.

Cyanobacterial consortia on soil surfaces
Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic microorganisms that fix N2, Although cyanobacteria are often associated with “algal blooms” in eutrophic waters, some species can grow naturally on soil surfaces and are most noticeable in fields after wet periods. We are studying mixtures of cyanobacteria and other bacterial partners cultured from local soil. Our objectives are to estimate the amounts of C and N fixed by these mixtures and to evaluate “ecosystem services” they provide, such as helping retain soil water and nitrate during simulated rainfall tests. Student interns will learn microbiological culturing, molecular biology techniques, and biochemical tests conducted on soil microcosms inoculated with cyanobacteria.