Disability Summer School

This week, we have the privilege of attending the 8Th International Disability Summer School, which focuses on the implementation of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities throughout numerous countries around the world. The past three days have been nothing less than inspiring, as I personally have had my own beliefs challenged, and been exposed to and learned about the different perceptions of disability, as well as basic human rights for persons with disabilities from numerous professionals with respectable credibility. One of the most memorable individuals I had the honor of meeting and speaking to on a personal level, as he sat with our table Monday evening, was Senator Tom Harkin. Senator Harkin, the founder and lead sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act, influenced and advocated for a global disability rights movement after being inspired by his brother who was deaf and discriminated against due to his impairment. He further discussed with us the four main goals of the ADA: equal opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency. While I learned that the ADA has been an incredible success providing equal rights to individuals with disabilities in the US, it came to my surprise that the US is one of few countries that has not yet ratified the CRPD. Our conversation with Senator Harkin allowed me to reflect on our discussions about the importance of becoming an advocate. I believe this experience of participating in the 8th International Disability Summer School, as well as the knowledge acquired and the networks established with influential leaders in the disability rights movement from around the world, will open up numerous opportunities for me, as an individual, to share my stories and knowledge with others throughout the US, to advocate for the ratification of this treaty.

One thought on “Disability Summer School

  1. Kerianne Catherine Watlington Post author

    This week, we have the privilege of attending the 8Th International Disability Summer School, which focuses on the implementation of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities throughout numerous countries around the world. The past three days have been nothing less than inspiring, as I personally have had my own beliefs challenged, and been exposed to and learned about the different perceptions of disability, as well as basic human rights for persons with disabilities from numerous professionals with respectable credibility. One of the most memorable individuals I had the honor of meeting and speaking to on a personal level, as he sat with our table Monday evening, was Senator Tom Harkin. Senator Harkin, the founder and lead sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act, influenced and advocated for a global disability rights movement after being inspired by his brother who was deaf and discriminated against due to his impairment. He further discussed with us the four main goals of the ADA: equal opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency. While I learned that the ADA has been an incredible success providing equal rights to individuals with disabilities in the US, it came to my surprise that the US is one of few countries that has not yet ratified the CRPD. Our conversation with Senator Harkin allowed me to reflect on our discussions about the importance of becoming an advocate. I believe this experience of participating in the 8th International Disability Summer School, as well as the knowledge acquired and the networks established with influential leaders in the disability rights movement from around the world, will open up numerous opportunities for me, as an individual, to share my stories and knowledge with others throughout the US, to advocate for the ratification of this treaty.

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