Week #2 Blog #1

On Monday, June 3rd our group took a day tour to New Grange. While there, we saw the most amazing tomb that was built in the Neolithic period. The entrance to the tomb was aligned perfectly with the Winter Solstice, therefore, the tomb creators had to have a vast knowledge of the sun. The tour also took us to the Hill of Slane, which had ruins and beautiful open fields.

On Tuesday, June 4th we visited a charitable organization called Fighting Blindness. While there, researcher Melisa Jones gave a presentation on sight loss research. She explains that the organization is looking to learn more about inherited sight loss and age related macular degeneration. Furthermore, John, a psychotherapist that worked for Fighting Blindness, explained the therapeutic services the organization offers to those who are blind or affected by blindness. He also discussed his personal experience as someone that lost his vision. He explained that he has accepted his blindness and has a positive relationship with it. He also explained that everyone has experienced loss and hardship at some point in their lives, however, people are resilient and capable of recovering from life’s challenges. I found his message about resilience and personal experience with overcoming hardship to be inspiring, and hope I can remember this talk the next time I am faced with something I find challenging.

(New Grange)

(Hill of Slane)

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