I can’t believe today was the final day of the program; time went by so fast! For my final blog, I will be discussing what occurred on the last two days as well as saying a few final words about the program.
To wrap up the week, we continued to attend the conference. Yesterday, the topic was “International Solidarity and Human Rights Monitoring to Protect Family Life”. A notable speaker of this day was Robert Martin. He discussed his horrid experiences of being institutionalized for his disability when he was younger. He discussed the stigmas, abuses, and missed opportunities he was forced to deal with every day. It was difficult to hear his stories because no individual should ever be treated that way. He also discussed how institutions have transitioned into group homes, which are not much better. This is just one of the few issues people with disabilities are still faced with. One thing Robert said that really stuck out to me was, “Segregation has never worked so why do we still do it?”. There is a lot of truth to this remark, yet people with disabilities are still faced with segregation in places like school and living arrangements. It is important that society always asks this question when dealing with the rights of all individuals.
Today was the Moot Court Competition and the final day of the conference. Kelly and Rachel did an amazing job representing their team! After the decision was made of who was the best team and the best individual advocate, we received our certificates.

I’m sad that it’s officially over! However, I’m happy that I was given the opportunity to meet such amazing girls and to have been part of such an insightful, enjoyable program. I am eager to apply the knowledge I have learned here to my future career as well as in my every day life. I hope you have enjoyed reading about my experiences along the way! Thanks Ireland for an unforgettable month:)
-Grace Moynihan