Hello my loyal subscribers.
Unfortunately, our journey here has come to an end. You’ll be happy to hear that I was able to break free from isolation and make my flight on Saturday. The last two days in Galway were spent the same way as the previous three. I poached a few more eggs, I colored, and I took my morning stroll to the living room to gaze longingly at the outside world.
When Saturday rolled around, I packed up all my things, said a proper thank you and goodbye to the apartment that had been so kind to accommodate me, and I started my independent journey back to the homeland. From what I could see on the ride to the airport, Galway looks like a lovely place. I definitely have plans to explore her in the future, but for now I have been thrown back into my Penn State student life.
Thank you all for tagging along with me throughout this journey. I hope that you were able to have a glimpse into my Ireland visit through my writing. Writing this blog has been one of my favorite parts of the trip, and I will definitely consider taking up this type of activity as I enter into my senior year.
For now, I looked forward to seeing some of you in the Fall. Have a wonderful summer!