Throughout the process of this project, my focus was to create a visual representation of the novel, “Heart: A History” by Sandeep Jauhar. In the process of creating this project, I wanted to create something that not only shows the human heart but highlighted its importance throughout the novel in an interactive way through a flap anatomy.
In the novel, the author, Sandeep Jauhar tells medical stories about the history of the heart and how it led him to his profession of being a cardiologist. The book has many major key points, themes and metaphors that relate to the heart’s significance. I wanted to create something that highlighted and focused on this information in an engaging way through narrative inquiry. I started by sketching an anatomical heart and some pictures that represented the key points in the novel. Throughout this process I worked with other classmates to get feedback on my work, which led me to my final project. I created an anatomical heart that allowed viewers to open up each part of the heart to find a key point from the novel which highlighted the importance of the heart.
To conclude, the final outcome of this project is an informative, yet engaging flap anatomy, that allows viewers to get a glimpse into the novel. This type of narrative inquiry project allows people to better understand the experience and allows for collaboration between both the viewer and researcher. Overall, this project was focused on creating a visual representation of the novel through a flap anatomy. The final outcome and the process outline the key points throughout the novel and help to engage in narrative inquiry.
Works Cited
Lindsay, Gail M., and Jasna K. Schwind. “Narrative Inquiry.” Canadian Journal of Nursing
Research, vol. 48, no. 1, Mar. 2016, pp. 14–20,
Sandeep Jauhar. HEART : A History. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, Sept. 2019.
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