Critiques of Rhetorical Analysis Speech

Based on the evaluation given to me from my peers and some of my own self-reflection it has become apparent to me that my speech excelled in certain areas and lacked in some others. One of the main concerns brought to my attention was a potential lack of enthusiasm due to a monotone tone of voice that I had used throughout my speech. My inflextion and cadences varied my style of speech however and this appeared to be a strong characteristic of my speech. An issue that I see myself is that my slides were not quite as glamourous as the ones present in other speeches. My slides did have an appropriate amounte of text and had good visuals to guide the audience as I spoke, all of which were taken from my artifact.

The light in the room I was recording was distracting at times depending on where my head was positioned but this was a trivial distraction that barely affected the recording. I did have some stuttering at times but this was also mostly trivial and did not affect the speech greatly. The content of the speech was strong, my peers agreed that the analysis and organization were very well done and that my slides were appropriate and helpful. The content of the speech was a strong suit whereas the delivery of the speech was lacking in some regards with small distractions, monotone speech, and occasional problems with stutters. The conclusion and introduction were also strong. I personally think the transitions in the presentation could have been better and more smooth but this is more of a personal and stylistic issue as transitions were present and fairly strong. Delivery was probably the weakest for me and that is something I should work on but many of the issues were minor and could be polished out with more practice and careful pacing.

If I was to do it again I would make sure to change the camera angle to avoid that issue with the light, I think rehearsing the speech more would have helped with the occasional stutters, and I need to rework how the speech was created because despite me recording the whole thing in one take as directed, I did make the mistake of having segmented the video recording to the slides that partained with what I was talking about because of my lack of ability and lack of familiarity with voice thread.

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