TED Talk Slides



  1. whw5059

    I liked your slides simplicity… not too busy. I think perhaps increase the size of the text a little bit but other than that I think they were pretty great. You have a lot of slides, so you may run into issues with time. If that happens, just cut out an example.

  2. pjv5147

    In the breakout room you used the slides a good visual aid. It helped explain what you were talking about and put pictures to the words you were speaking. I enjoyed the simplicity in them as it didn’t take away from your speech.

  3. ·

    What a deeply depressing set of slides. You found strong evidence from polls (which are definitely a big “yikes” factor) in addition to the literally incendiary visuals. Visually, I would just crop some of the images and get rid of the bullet point that you use (just the point, not the descriptor) below some of your images. While it seems like you have more than enough for your argument, violent rhetoric (Parler has a widely propagated post about everyone killing two liberals) is perhaps also a normalizing factor, preparing the field for more actual violence. It looks like this has the makings of a strong presentation.

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