TIB Statement

I believe in two perspectives. That will be my This I Believe statement. I will explore themes of sympathy for people who are different by sharing stories of my travels and interactions that have shown me that there is more than one perspective to everything and to not judge a book by its cover. I wanted to talk about my experiences of other cultures that have drastically changed my way of thought about things in the world. Specifically, it’s a story of how I visited China and how a lot of what I viewed had changed when I met face to face the very things that I judged like the government type and the attitude of the people there. I’m not sure if I want a second story yet but I may. The thing that the audience will take from this essay is that by understanding others we could get over a lot of the issues we face in life. The obvious ones like racism and sexism but also by just being friendlier I think people can lead happier lives and progress humanity but instead most people waste their effort on being toxic to those they find threatening.

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