Civic Issues #1: The Biden Presidency

Since this is an introductory blog I won’t be getting into too much meat of civic issues. What I will write about are my hopes and fears for the Biden presidency. I will make it clear that I’m not a big fan of Biden and I am not very hopeful for the future but even the worst presidents pass some good legislation.

So let’s start with my hopes for the Biden administration. My first hope or optimistic thought is that I am eager to see what the Biden administration will do with renewable energy. I was ok with Trump’s policy of “clean” coal and sticking to fossil fuel but I would really like to see efficient renewable energy and the economic benefit that could come from it. I’m a big fan of nuclear energy and I would really hope that Biden and his administration would make a transition to nuclear but that is wishful thinking. I think adding the US back to the Paris Climate Accord was a good move so far.

Speaking of the Paris Climate Accord, I think Biden will do a great job at strengthening US partnerships with well-established allies, and even facilitating new friendships. I will say that I think Trump handled North Korea pretty well and I hope Biden will continue good relations with Kim. As for Iran, I think Trump was too harsh and I’d like to see some friendly discussion being opened up.

I really hope Biden will make universal healthcare a thing but I’m not exactly sure if he will and to be honest I’m not too optimistic for big change in this presidency.

Now to write about my doubts. First and foremost I think Biden’s foreign policy as a whole will be worse in my opinion. As much flak as Trump got for his foreign policy I did like the fact that he was friendlier with Russia and more stern with China. I think Russia is a country that wants to mind its own business. I’ve been there, I’m a citizen, and my family lives in Russia and I’d love to see a partnership between Russia and the US. That being said I am more distrustful of the government of China for a couple of reasons that I would like to see addressed by Biden. One of the biggest issues is the theft of intellectual property that costs the US billions annually. That and China’s predatory financial policy in Africa is sure to impoverish many on the continent.

I would like to also see some labor reform but I don’t think Biden is very concerned with that. I am also doubtful that Biden will be as into trade as Trump was and that is a little upsetting to me.

I apologize if I made this too opinionated but as an introductory blog, I wanted to outline things that I will be watching in politics in the near future. I really don’t think the Biden presidency will be that bad as he is a career politician, but I for sure am not very optimistic and I don’t think Biden will create any big change. That’s not to say I don’t welcome it, power to him if he can make his mark on history. I am excited to hear what my peers have to say so if you want to make any discussion in the comments you are free to do so.



  1. dkh5181

    Even though you aren’t the biggest fan of Biden, how do you think the country will benefit from having a career politician as president after the damage that Trump did?

  2. izzy miller

    Hi Will,

    I really agree with a lot of your points here. I feel like Biden will either do nothing or just make things worse when it comes to foreign affairs. I don’t disagree with your statement about nuclear energy, though. I’m not a big fan of anything nuclear to be honest, but great post!

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