Conference Presentation

  • To what extent will looking at a particular piece of media through a literary lens change it for me forever?
  • Will I begin to look at everything through a literary lens, trying to decipher hybridity or something in my every day life?
  • Is it necessary to potentially “reach” for some of these ideas and are we potentially straying away from the actual message of the authors or whoever created whatever it is we’re making our presentations on?


Some of the strengths shown in today’s presentation is that it’s a very relatable piece of media used, a Marvel movie. I think it’s also a strength because it encourages people to develop and express some media literacy and actually look deeper than the surface level in film, especially in a blockbuster movie such as a Marvel movie.

Ironically, the very same strength could be used as a weakness. Some people may look at that presentation and be like “Pft, it’s just a Marvel movie and you’re reading too far into it.”

Marvel Photomurals from KOMAR

That being said, the presentation inspired me to look through my movie catalog and pick out a scene that expresses something literary. I love movies and if I can incorporate that into my presentation it’d make it so much more fun. I’m quite excited for that.

I think I may actually try and address the death of the author or hybridity; I think those are the two most interesting to me. Then again, the mechanical reproduction idea is very prevalent in movies today (maybe metaphorically?) and that could be a great point to touch base on. I don’t know, ultimately. I think I’ll have to nail down an idea because with a prompt that has so much potential, I could talk about a million different things.

I am excited though!

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