- How many pictures should I attempt to include?
- How can I better organize my whole website?
- Is my website’s theme aesthetically pleasing?
I was pleased to know that other people were also having a similarly difficult time getting this About Me page done. Its surprisingly hard to write about yourself, you know? Especially in a medium that could so easily drift off and sound self-absorbed or narcissistic. That’s at least a problem I’m facing.
I think something other people did better than me is not getting carried away and getting lost in other topics that don’t have as much to do with what the About Me page is asking. I’d like to refocus myself and inform people about myself in relation to the class as much as possible.
That being said, the main issue I’m honestly running into is hitting the word mark. It’s somehow so difficult to find 800 words to describe myself. You’d think it’d be the easiest possible thing to describe, but it’s like pulling teeth to get the word limit and I’ve had to work at it over multiple sessions to even get to where I’ve gotten, and it’s still not done. Such an anomaly.
Something I could add to my About Me page would be more of a reflection on the class. I think I have a lot to say (very positive) because this class has been extremely invigorating, and I’ve enjoyed it so much more than I could’ve ever expected to. So maybe my final little anecdote on the page will be a reflection on the class, and a good way to get everything out that I didn’t get out in my Conference Presentation.