- Will I ever have another English class as enjoyable as this one?
- Did everyone else enjoy the class as much as I did?
Man, already the last blog post. Time went by really fast, and here at the finish line there’s a feeling of bittersweetness as I sort of have to recap what I most gained from the class. I gained so much from this class that it almost seems like I knew nothing going into it. Firstly, I re-learned how to engage in a classroom properly again, and what it feels like to be a part of a proper classroom community that regularly engages in conversation with each other. It felt like it had been a while since I had a class like this, and I feel like it is classes like this that really embody what school is supposed to be.
I learned how to better put my thoughts down to the page through our blog posts. The limited nature of them forced me to consolidate my thoughts and not just ramble on and on, hoping my message would get across. They narrowed the scope of what I had to say and as such I had to figure out ways to get my message across concisely.
I also learned a lot about myself as a student. I learned about how I prefer to do presentations, both in preparation and when I’m actually up there. I learned how much not having the constant pressure of a test or essay impending eased my learning, and allowed me to look forward to class and engage in the reading instead of stressing about writing about them.
If I had to narrow down my thank-you note to one person, it’d have to be Yeva. She regularly challenged my ideas and that is something I greatly appreciated, as they helped me grow my viewpoints and engage in debate, whether contained in an inner monologue or actually voiced to the class.
But truly, I feel thankful to the whole class!