- Why don’t more classrooms have such a supportive environment?
- How did everyone manage to do a good job and make time?
- How do I use what I gained from this presentation and others presentations and use it toward my future presentations?
My favorite part of this class conference was by far how supportive everyone managed to be. It’s easy to just mindlessly watch people’s presentations and just say nothing. That’s easy, that’s what most people do across classrooms and age groups throughout my schooling career. This was one of the only classes in which people actively raised their hands solely to extend praise after a speech. I mean, that is just amazing and to have fostered a culture like that in a classroom is so impressive and its exactly that niche that everyone looks for in a class. It’s what makes school enjoyable.
I think the presentation that impressed me the most was Jace’s. He had a good blend of satire with his serious topic. I’m also impressed because I know how apprehensive he was feeling going into it, but he stuck to his guns and it really paid off for an entertaining presentation that kept me engaged, even though I could tell he’s not necessarily super comfortable speaking in front of a class – but then again, who is?
I think my favorite part about my own presentation and what I’ll try to take into my future presentations go hand in hand. I was very impressed with my vulnerability and how I composed myself up there. I truly felt comfortable speaking in front of everybody about sensitive topics (again, speaks to the culture of the classroom) and it helped me really get everything across how I wanted to. I managed to be perfectly in time, as well. This is usually an issue for me, finding that I speak too fast.
Overall, the conference presentations were an incredible group effort!