Del Voight – Penn State Extension Crop Team
Please read as below. It is important that we have your intentions by Oct 27th so that we may populate our advertisement and marketing with your sponsorship. We will base our final cost of programs on your involvement.
Attention: Agricultural Professionals –
In the past, many of the Extension sponsors/exhibitors have told us that it is difficult to provide funding event-by-event, rather than responding to one annual Extension request. In order to fit with corporate funding, this year we are trying something new. The opportunities to support
2012 Penn State Extension Crop Conference Brochure.are being sent to you in one list—this singular solicitation for funds will cover multiple events. This link
2012 Penn State Conferences Sign Up Worksheet, you will find a list of the programs to be offered to producers in the State through the upcoming winter and spring for you to review and choose the items that best fit your customers’ needs. The Conferences will provide pesticide credits as well as key crop management issues pertaining to:
• No-Till Crop Production • Crop Management • Integrated Pest Management
• Nutrient Management • Forage Management
These issue-based meetings provide producers with credit opportunities as well as focus on the production and management of a wide range of crop production topics.
We invite you to look over the list on the attached pages. We believe we have put together a program that meets the crop production information needs of all producers in the State. Over 5,000 producers and industry personnel are expected to attend these events. Each industry sponsor of an event will be recognized in direct relation to the level of support.
- Your company name included in the December flyer of Extension programs
- Table Top Exhibit at each location
- Logo in Winter Advertisement
- Name in advertisement in winter flyer
- Table top Exhibit at each location selected
- Table top Display at each selected site
- Name/logo on program agenda the day of the event
- Name included on one event agenda sheet
- Table Top Display
Gold Sponsor-$400.00 per site
SILVER SPONSOR -$250.00 per site
BRONZE SPONSOR $150.00 per site
PROGRAM BOOSTER $100.00 per site
NON-PROFIT RATE $50.00 per site
To select your sponsorship preferences, please view
2012 Penn State Conferences Sign Up Worksheet,of scheduled meetings and publications. Next to each program, there are boxes to check for Gold, Silver, Bronze and Booster. Place X’s in the appropriate boxes. At the end of the list, you may tally up your choices and add the dollar values for each level of sponsorship and your grand total. Please submit your payment by check made payable to PSCE Program Fund and returned to the Penn State Extension Office in Huntingdon County.
In order that all sponsors and exhibitors may be listed in the December program flyer, please return your response and payment to arrive in our office no later than October 27, 2011. Your continued support of Penn State Extension programming is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns about this new process, please contact me at 814-643-1660 or by email at
Stan McKee,
County Extension Director/Educator
Please check off your support level by each of the conference locations and then simply tally the costs and submit your payment by check made payable to PSCE Program Fund and returned to the Penn State Extension Office in Huntingdon County.
Payment, except as noted, is due on October 27, 2011. Send the signup forms and payment to: Attention: CMT Opportunities, Penn State Extension, 10722 Fairgrounds Road, Suite 6, Huntingdon, PA 16652