Del Voight- Penn State Extension
The 2 quart rate of the Name brand Crossbow is a great herbicide to clean up pastures of numerous weeds. Many growers are just too tight to spend the money on it. The price per acre however is expensive. Somewhere in the $25.00/acre range. We then have to retreat areas again and again. Here is one option I worked on this summer.
I make up my own mix of Triclopyr 4 plus 2,4-D Ester
I use 1 pint of triclopyr 4 per acre and 1.5 quarts per acre of 2,4-D ester and apply it in 20 gallons of water per acre. This gets my costs to around $8.75/acre for the mix. This means you will need to mix two products at each fill up. Not a big deal considering the cost difference. If you can afford you can use the Crossbow or Candor or numerous generics of the orginal Cross bow but if you use this mix do not ask Dow to help if you have a failure. This is all subject to conditions. I lean this way since if I have alot of brush I can increase the triclopyr in the mix to ensure good knock down.