2017 PA Soybean Production Workshops

Del Voight – Penn State Extension

The Penn State Extension Crop Management Team has scheduled four Soybean Production Workshops in December.  These day-long workshops teach soybean producers new integrated pest and cultural management practices covering the entire growing season, from planting to harvest.  Support for the workshops is provided in part by the Pennsylvania Soybean Board through the soybean checkoff.

Each workshop will feature Penn State researchers, experienced soybean growers, and county Extension personnel presenting information covering all aspects of soybean production from planting to harvest. Topics include information on optimizing variety selection and planting rates, fertility management, weed, insect and disease scouting and harvest management. CCA and pesticide credits are available at each location.


The workshops will be held at the following locations:

  • Tuesday, December 12 at the Penn State Extension Mercer County office in Mercer

Mercer County Soybean Workshop Registration

  • Wednesday, December 13 at the Towanda Rod & Gun Club in Towanda, Bradford County

Bradford County Soybean Workshop Registration

  • Tuesday, December 19 at the Penn State Extension Berks County office in Leesport  Registration link

Berks Soybean Production Workshop Registration

  • Thursday, December 21 at the York County 4-H Center in York.

York County Soybean Production Workshop Registration

The Soybean Production Workshops run from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at each location. There is a $15 fee to attend, which includes lunch and materials.  Pre-registration is required by December 8. Register at links above and or online at https://extension.psu.edu/soybean-production-workshops or call Penn State Registration Support at 1-877-345-0691 to register by phone.