Soybean and Corn Tissue Testing – Valuable aid in managing hidden hunger in crops

Del Voight – Penn State Extension

Take Home Message:

  1. Tasselled corn and R2 soybeans is the key time to take tissue tests so one can compare to tissue test interpretive charts
  2. Collect samples(avoid diseased or insect riddled leaves) and place in dry bag to be delivered to the Ag Analytical Lab
  3. The Ag Analytical Lab provides the testing for the results.(Tap on link to go directly to lab). Use this submission form to send in samples (tap the highlight link for the form)
  4. Plan to conduct over numerous years to see trends in nutrient uptake and fine tune programs
  5. Combine these results with soil test results to better manage crop fertility.

Several growers are considering more high yield management for the soybean and corn crops. There are a lot of foliar fertilizer products with ideal nutrient levels for numerous micro nutrients. Our research indicates tremendous variation in the response to these products.  Yield enhancement is tied to whether the plant is deficient in micro nutrients or not.  Since we cannot test the soil with accurate assessments of micro nutrients( you can pay a lab for a test but it is not likely valuable to make recommendations from), the best way to determine hidden hunger is with a simple $24.00 plant tissue test. A few growers last season enjoyed 90 bu/acre soybeans and 290 bushel per acre corn plus while managing for high yield crops.  The first step is to gain an accurate soil test( and correct depth of sampling) and maintain optimum levels of @P 150ppm and @K 300ppm .

Soybean Considerations:

Potash Deficiency in Soybeans – Photo Del Voight Penn State Extension

. The Ag Analytical Lab provides the testing for the results.  Here are the specifics to gather the samples.Collect a sample at the R1 to R2 stage(full flower) for plant analysis

Once the plant begins to flower R1 which is occurring at the time of this writing in early planted fields in the next two weeks gather the samples and send them off via overnight mail to gain quick results. This will allow for adequate time to determine a nutrient strategy before peak growth at R3 when pods are being filled.  .

Soybean Specifics  (Gather 20-30 uppermost leaves)

Upper most trifoliate to collect leaf specimens for tissue testing – Del Voight Penn State Extension
Soybeans or other beans
Seedling stage (less than 12″)


All the above ground portion. 20-30 plants
Prior to or during initial flowering Two or three fully developed leaves at the top of the plant. 20-30 upper leaves

Interpretive Nutrient Levels for Plant Analysis

Soybeans plant tissue levels

Low Normal High Excessive
Nitrogen (% DW) 3.10 4.01 5.51 7.01
Phosphorus (% DW) 0.16 0.26 0.51 0.81
Potassium (% DW) 1.26 1.71 2.51 2.76
Calcium (% DW) 0.21 0.36 2.01 3.01
Magnesium (% DW) 0.11 0.26 1.01 1.51
Sulfur (% DW) 0.16 0.21 0.41 2.00
Manganese (ppm DW) 15 21 101 251
Iron (ppm DW) 31 51 351 501
Copper (ppm DW) 5 10 31 51
Boron (ppm DW) 10 21 56 81
Zinc (ppm DW) 10 21 51 76

Corn Considerations

Collect the ear leaf samples from the leaf feeding the ear or the ear node leaf

Stage of growth Plant part to sample Number of plants to sample
Seedling stage (less than 12″)
All the above ground portion. 20-30
Prior to tasselling
The entire leaf fully developed below the whorl. 15-25
From tasselling and shooting to silking The entire leaf at the ear node (or immediately above or below it). 15-25
Sampling after silking occurs is not recommended.


Silks shown with leaf feeding the base of the silk which is the ear leaf to collect for tissue testing – Del Voight Penn State Extension

Once results of the samples are returned compare results to the chart to interpret the results. The Penn State Lab will provide this upon delivery in most cases.

Corn, Field

Low Normal High Excessive
Nitrogen (% DW) 2.45 2.76 3.51 3.76
Phosphorus (% DW) 0.16 0.25 0.51 0.61
Potassium (% DW) 1.25 1.71 2.51 3.51
Calcium (% DW) 0.10 0.21 1.01 1.51
Magnesium (% DW) 0.10 0.21 0.61 1.01
Sulfur (% DW) 0.10 0.21 0.51 0.81
Manganese (ppm DW) 15 20 151 201
Iron (ppm DW) 10 21 251 351
Copper (ppm DW) 3 6 21 51
Boron (ppm DW) 2 4 26 46
Zinc (ppm DW) 11 20 71 101

White Tail Feeding Preference Spring vs Fall

Hunter Voight in the spring enclosure illustrating the complete feeding of the clover vs oats not being consumed at all by the deer.

In 2013 my son had completed his Senior Project on deer Feeding Preferences. For this project he looked at three locations. One was in Huntington County at White Deer camp and served as a check for it simulated State Game Lands and a hunting camp and how what deer preferred to feed on. The second was in farm country at the Penn State Southeast Research center harboring a tremendous deer population and offering a diversity of crops to feed on. The other was in Bradford county simulating big woods area. All plots were seeded in 10 foot plots by 4 foot wide in a randomized block fashion and then tall fences were installed to determine preferences.  Dry Matter weights between the excluded area and the open areas were used to document the feeding preferences. In summary in spring the deer specifically only fed on the clover choices however in fall they were more indiscriminate and fed on anything that was planted.  In farmland country none of the plots were fed on or very little feeding as the deer moved through nightly to feed on neighboring alfalfa soybeans and other crops. In the Bradford location bear tore down most exclusion fenced and no comparisons other than similar trends between spring and fall existed.

In the end in Spring clover is the preferred food source both mammoth and forage type white clover and in fall really anything providing forage was of value. For the complete power point and data slides with other pertinent seeding a results please tap on the link below for that will take you through the process and results.

Hunter Voights plot at Penn State Research center illustrating the lack of feeding across plots regardless of plant type (pictured is the chickory plots)



Japanese Beetles defoliation in Soybeans

Del Voight – Penn State Extension Educator – dgv1

I noticed a significant flight of higher volumes of japanese

beetles in the Lebanon Area this past weekend. In addition I found the beetles at our Rock Springs farm as well.   This pest is known to consume many different types of vegetation.  If the damage is severe enough to warrant treatment then there are many products that are labeled to manage the pest.  Carbaryl is by far the most effective from the stand point of quick knock down of the beetles. in Lawns there are numerous soil applied products to take out the resulting offspring this fall. There are alot of other products available.  I found this publication on the Activity of different insecticides on japanese beetle adults to be useful and provided the  link below to the full article. I have received calls on heavy feeding by the beetles in grapes and other crops and then of course what is the most effective material for them.  I question sometimes if growers are truly seeing the level of damage that would require treatment. I would expect this week to begin receiving calls of the damage in field crops.

Here are some comments and recommendations from Dr John Tooker Penn State Extension from 2018. When assessing defoliation, it can be difficult to determine which insect species are causing the damage, but the exact identity often is not that important. Defoliation assessments should lump together all tissue loss to determine whether spraying an insecticide makes sense. Many folks tend to overestimate defoliation, so it can be useful to have a standard against which to compare the damage in the field. Below you will find an image illustrating various levels of defoliation and a method for assessing levels of tissue removal.

Keep in mind that insecticide application only make sense when field assessments find damage that exceeds economic thresholds (Table 1). ‘Insurance’ applications of insecticides are often not effective or economical. Moreover, they usually kill beneficial insects (predators, parasitoids, and pollinators) that are usually abundant in soybean fields and helpful in suppressing other insect pest species, such as aphids or mites.

Damage assessment is based on estimates of defoliation. To estimate defoliation, the following procedure is recommended:

  1. Pick a trifoliate leaf from the top, middle and low third of 10 randomly selected plants. (It is suggested that one carry a plastic bag for collection of foliage so that damage assessment may be made at one time.)
  2. From each trifoliate discard the most and least damaged leaflets. At this point one should have 30 leaflets upon which the defoliation estimate will be based.
  3. Compare the selected leaflets to the illustration below and record the average level of defoliation.

Figure 1. Representative insect defoliation levels of soybean leaflets (From Mike Gray, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Table 1. The economic (or action) thresholds for determining the need for a rescue treatment varies with the stage of soybean development.
Soybean Development Economic threshold for defoliation
Pre-bloom (i.e., vegetative stages) 30%
Bloom to pod-fill 15%
Pod-fill to maturity (unless pod feeding observed) 25%

If defoliation exceeds the action threshold at a given stage of soybean development, then a rescue treatment may be warranted if the pest causing the injury is present and vulnerable to treatment. The Penn State Agronomy Guide, Soybean Pest Management section provides specifics on control options.

The key point here is to check the lower mid and upper canopy.  This provides an idea of what might be the product to use.  It appears there are numerous products with beetles on the label but which to select. Although this study did not show a significant impact on yield by the pest it does show the products effectiveness.


Japanese Beetle Efficacy trial-2fh55hm

Determining Additional Nitrogen in a Historic Rainfall Season

With the increased amount of rain that we have experienced in this growing season, this article will help you understand the considerations necessary to accurately make in-season nitrogen applications to corn

Determining Additional Nitrogen in a Historic Rainfall Season

Corn that shows symptoms of sulfur deficiencies in a wet field. J. Brackenrich.

Key Points:

  1. Historic rainfall over the past year has impacted the nitrate form of N applied (really all mobile nutrients) and in many cases may have been moved out of the soil system. To further complicate the issue, sulfur has also shown up to be a potential barrier in area crop fields.
  2. Calculating additional nitrogen (N) is important to ensure adequate N for this season’s crop. All time that the crop stays deficient in N, or appears yellow, reduces yields and is important to correct immediately.
  3. Diagnostic tools like chlorophyll meters and side dress soil testing are available to determine what soil N is available and what additional N is needed.
  4. Supplemental N will help maintain corn yield after heavy rain events.
  5. Rescue treatments should be made as soon as possible and are most likely to return income if applied prior to tasseling.
  6. Application techniques – considerations from broadcast of urea or side dressing with UAN.


Over the past year, historic rainfall has occurred in many areas of the state. In saturated soils denitrification is the major cause of nitrogen loss. There are numerous fields with yellowing symptoms, most showing characteristic N deficiency. Soil drainage will affect this; obviously the higher up slope areas will affect the number of days the soil is at a saturation point. In reading an article from Iowa State, soil nitrate is converted to a gas by soil bacteria (denitrification) in as little as two days of waterlogged soils. Researchers (several universities) estimate about 4% loss of nitrate for each day of saturation.

Wet soils cause nitrogen losses. In cases where high intensity rain results in high runoff, leaching losses will probably be low. The primary nitrogen loss mechanism in saturated soils is denitrification, which occurs when soil nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) is converted to nitrogen gas by soil bacteria. Two to three days of soil saturation is required for bacteria to begin the denitrification process.

Well-drained upland soils that have been wet from a series of rains probably have not experienced much denitrification. Soils in lower landscape positions that stay saturated longer will likely lose more N. This season I had some fields with compaction that limited root growth into N rich soils. In an extreme case, illustrated in the picture, the pipeline severely impacted the roots due to compaction and nutrient uptake. While the whole field was treated the same, with regarding N, the impacted area could not reach the N applied at the time. We utilized a small application of N for plant growth without having to apply the total N demand, based on the grower’s initial application.

Losses can be calculated by estimating 3 to 4 percent loss of fertilizer NO3-N for each day of saturation. Use the Table below to determine how much fertilizer NO3-N was in the soil. Dr Chad Lee reported the following table in his Kentucky Extension Blog. It illustrates the nitrate conversion over time based on the material selected by growers the result of loss will be different.

The corn on the left (dark green) is healthy unaffected growth corn, while the corn on the right (yellow) is affected by compaction and unable to intercept the nutrients it needs. D. Voight.

Table 1. The amount of applied fertilizer that is in the nitrate nitrogen form 0, 3, and 6 weeks after application.

Nitrogen Source 0 Week:
% Fertilizer as NO3*N
3 weeks:
% Fertilizer as NO3*N
6 weeks:
% Fertilizer as NO3*N
Anhydrous Ammonia (AA) 0 20 65
AA with N-Serve* 0 10 50
Urea 0 50 75
Urea with N-Serve* 0 30 70
UAN 25 60 80
Ammonium Nitrate 50 80 90

*Nitrification inhibitor that slows transformation of ammonium to nitrate.

EXAMPLE: Determining the Amount of N Loss 
I am using Dr. Lee’s lead to use an example for our PA soil conditions.

A farmer applied 150 lb nitrogen (N)/A as UAN to corn grown on poorly drained soil. Immediately after application the field became saturated for 10 days. How much N was lost?

Step 1. Determine the amount of applied N that was in the nitrate (NO3‐N) form.
According to the table, 80% of the UAN will be in the NO3‐N form after three weeks of the application. 150 lb N x 80% = 120 lb N.

Step 2. Determine the amount of N lost.
Remember that two days are needed for the bacteria to begin the denitrification process. Therefore, denitrification occurred for eight days (ten days total saturation minus two days to start the process). With 4% lost each day for eight days, 32% would have been lost. 120 lb N x 32% = 38.4 lb N lost and 111.6 lb N remaining. Take note that in most cases, the N loss is not as high as the grower might assume given the rainfall.

Diagnostic Tools to assess N requirements.

If a commercial source of N is used as the sole source the grower then needs to calculate the losses as above example or use the PSNT to determine additional N requirements. Most growers using Manure N source should consider some of the following options.

  1. Nitrogen Soil Test – An additional tool for determining NO3‐N in the soil after flooding is a NO3‐N test. The Penn State Ag Analytical Lab will test this and give recommendations for management based on the nitrate test results.
  2. Chlorophyll meter – The SPAD meter and/or Chlorophyll meter has been extremely useful in this season. I have three units in my office for use and they are used daily this time of year. Very simple to use and results are immediate. In fact, we use them right ahead of the side dress rig to determine N applications in real time. The key is that it is used is only where less than 15lb of commercial N is used up front. This technique is useful for growers using manure source N to determine the need for additional N. The field below appears green, however the SPAD meter reading of 42 indicated it needs an additional application to maximize yield.
  3. Late Season Corn Stalk Nitrate Test – Do not overlook the utility of the late season stalk N option. This test is designed to determine if N was limiting in that season. It is highly useful in fine tuning N tactics. The procedure is simple to follow, and this season may prove to be highly useful in assessing tactics used mid-season this year.
  4. Tissue Testing – Once the plant gets into the later stages it might be a useful tool to tissue test. It is not as valuable in the vegetative stages so hold off until the plant has silks and tassels on it. It is important to collect the leaves at the proper stage of growth so the lab test may be compared to historic data for management.
  5. Nitrogen Modeling – Dr. Charlie White wrote in a recent article in FCN that computer modeling is also an option. “To my knowledge, the only tools available to assess the losses of early applied N fertilizers, and whether there is a need to compensate for these losses with an additional side dress N application, are computer models of the N cycle that take into account real-time, high resolution rainfall and temperature data for a location. Models such as Adapt-N and Encirca are now widely available and being increasingly used for N management decision making. These computer models are a compilation of the best available science of how the N cycle operates and the expert judgement of model developers on how to represent these N cycling processes as algorithms in the computer code. Ultimately, the success of these models also depends on having accurate inputs, including soil profile characteristics and previous N management practices, and being able to interpret the outputs correctly. Because of this, N modeling services in some cases may only be available through trained professionals that can help assure the integrity of the inputs and interpretation of the outputs.”

Application Options

There are only two ways to side dress with minimal effect on the standing crop. Broadcast urea and/or side dress Urea and/or UAN. I am aware of some specialized spreaders that track with the rows of corn and some tractor mounted spinners as well that will aid in the clearance over taller corn. Expect some burn from urea over the top but in most cases it is minimal. However, UAN over the top will result in significant burning and thus requires side dressing.

What about N stabilizers? This can be an option for urea treated with a urease inhibitor but in general with the need for rapid conversion it is wise to avoid any the other materials that may lessen the available N.

How late can I apply N? Dr. Sawyer from Iowa State Extension had written this in a bulletin regarding timing. “It is best to get the N on as early as possible. However, yield responses that return income greater than the costs for application and fertilizer materials have been observed for N applied up to and slightly beyond the tassel stage. The magnitude of yield increase is dependent upon the severity of N deficiency and the ability of the crop to recover and respond to applied N (the growth and yield potential left after water damage and early season N deficiency). Any surface application is dependent upon rainfall to move applied N into the root zone, otherwise it cannot benefit the corn crop”

Nitrogen Broadcast Prior to Rain – Dr. Lee had this to report regarding N applications prior to heavy rain. “Farmers sometimes broadcast fertilizer nitrogen on a field within 24 hours of a heavy rain. In most cases, very little nitrogen is lost to runoff, especially if the field was under no‐till soil management. The nitrogen fertilizer begins to dissolve almost immediately after being applied to the soil surface and will dissolve completely in a short period of time. As rain begins, the first water that falls moves into the soil, taking most of the fertilizer nitrogen with it. Once in the soil, most of the fertilizer nitrogen is protected from runoff. The only exception is a very intense rain soon after application that also erodes topsoil from sloping areas. Even in this situation, the loss would probably be less than one third of the fertilizer applied.”


  1. At this time, it is important to assess N demand and need for additional nutrients that may have leached from the soil profile.
  2. There are many tools available to assess the need and determine an economic application for N
  3. It is best to side dress N and/or if broadcast utilize urea to minimize damage to the crop. Consider only urease inhibitors if at all for stabilizers on N. Grower should check on the price per unit of N and application costs to ensure they maximize savings while meeting the need of the crop.
  4. Explore the use of other tools in an overall N and micronutrient assessment with tissue testing as tassels and silks emerge.
  5. Finally, this really points to the need to consider planned side dress applications in the future rather than relying on all the N up front leaving it susceptible to these kinds of weather events.

*Note: For more information on nitrogen management tools available, read the following article: Tools Available for In-season Nitrogen Management Decision Making.