Penn State Crops Conference and Ag Compliance Meeting Feb 9 Lebanon Expo Center

The objective of this program is to provide detailed crop management information. 
Pesticide Compliance credits, nutrient management credits, CCA credits, Manure Hauler Credits, Certified Grassland management Credits have all been applied for at this time. 
 You will have the final choice of 6 breakouts per half hour to ensure you gain useful information. 
A special session on AG LAW will be provided particularly useful to the Township Supervisors.
A Forage and Grain Contest will be offered so please plan to bring your items with a recent analysis to the event.
See you all then!!
Registration Instructions:

State’s Cvent Online Event Registra
1. Go on our website:Conference Registration

?on for this class must be done through Penn?on.

2. Click on
3. Scroll down to
4. Click on

Events on the upper le? hand side,January 2012 Events,Crops Conference Lebanon PA

5. This will take you directly to the link to register


6. Follow the instruc


To register by phone or if you need assistance
to register, please call Cvent’s toll free phone

 Call this nmber to Register 1-877-489-1398
Walk Ins are welcome!

Session 1 | 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM | Topics
A Category
Ph.D. & John Bray

| What’s New for Weed Control in 2012 | William Curran,

B Core

| Adjuvant Selection & Use | Jeff Graybill


Biofuels and Energy Crops | Gregory Roth, Ph.D.


Cover Crop Options for Small Dairy Farms | John Rowehl


Grain Marketing and RSF Management | John Berry


PA One Stop Farm Mapping Training | Rick Day

Ross Pieffer, Director of Ag Law Office

The Legal framework for Farm regulations in the Chesapeake Bay |

Session 2 | 10:40 AM – 11:10 AM | Topics
A Category

| 2011 Disease and Fungicide Update, Alyssa Collins, Ph.D.

B Core

| Farm Family Exposure | Jeff Graybill


Potassium Management | Douglas Beegle, Ph.D.


Forage Quality: What Is It and How Can You Change It? | Andrew Frankenfield


Nutrient Management and Manure Update | Lynette Gelsinger


PA One Stop Farm Mapping Training | Rick Day


Managing Mosquitos and Ticks Using Pesticides | Phil Hall

Session 3 | 11:40 AM – 12:10 PM | Topics
A Category

| Designing Cost Effective Weed Programs | John Bray

B Core
Manure for Farms without Poultry | Douglas Beegle, Ph.D.

| Recycling and PDA Updates | Bill RidenC Managing Poultry


Alternative Grain Cropping Strategies | Gregory Roth, Ph.D.


Grain Marketing and RSF Management | John Berry


PA One Stop Farm Mapping Training | Rick Day

Ross Pieffer, Director of Ag Law Office
Exhibitor / Sponsor

The Legal framework for Farm regulations in the Chesapeake Bay |

Session 6 | 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM | Topics
A Category

| Stinkbugs and Other Pests to expect in 2012 | John

B Core

| Pesticide Fate in Environment | Bill Riden


Adaptive Nitrogen Management for Corn | Douglas Beegle, Ph.D.


Managing Forages When Hay is $200+ Per Ton | Andrew Frankenfield


Nutrient Management and Manure Update | Lynette Gelsinger


PA One Stop Farm Mapping Training | Rick Day


Managing Mosquitos and Ticks Using Pesticides | Phil Hall

Session 7 | 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM | Topics
A Category

| Designing Cost Effective Weed Programs | John Bray

B Core

| Recycling and PDA Updates | Bill Riden


Cover Crops and Nutrient Management | Douglas Beegle, Ph.D.


Crop Management PA Soybean Management Update | Del Voight


Cover Crop Options for Small Dairy Farms | John Rowehl


PA One Stop Farm Mapping Training | Rick Rick Day3:00 PM | Announcements & Adjourn

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