Freezing injury impact on Wheat?

Del Voight – Senior Extension Educator Penn State Extension
Recent cold weather may create questions as to what impact if any the freezing temperatures have on wheat.  As one can see based on this table that appeared in the Kentucky Decision Guide for Wheat.  Growers that perhaps planted early and have wheat that is approaching jointing they might experience more of an affect than the wheat that I am seeing in my area that is still tillering at this time. For more reading follow this link to the original document.

N Uptake in Wheat

Del Voight – Senior Extension Agent- Penn State Extension – Crop Management Team.

The question right now is how late  is too late to put additional N on wheat? How Much?

Wheat takes much of its N up after GS 6.   Most N is then assimilated somewhere shortly after heading or GS 10.  As long as the N that goes on is available immediately such as in the nitrate form or a form that quickly changes in the soil it will assist in maintaining yields.

How much depends on alot of factors.  The growers I talked to  had put 100 lbs on at planting. If we assume a 25% loss of the N due to leaching then perhaps an additional 25 units of N would need to be applied prior to GS 10. 
Talking to another grower who has not applied any N to date then perhaps a full shot of the N is required.  To lower the yield expectation might be prudent particularly if the wheat is yellow in appearance.  There fore if one expects 80 bu/acre an additional 80 lbs of N should be considered.  As far as form since there is sensitive tissue on the plants now I would recommend a dry formulation that would avoid any hindering of the plant leaves ability to absorb sunshine.  This is of great importance with the flag leaf showing.