Dr Doug Beegle the foremost martial of the Nutrient Management and Soil Fertility circles will be presenting topics at the CMEG Lebanon Crops and Soils Conference that will attract Nutrient Management Credits. If you need some why not attend. Aside from his fundings in injection of manure he will talk more about high yield farming with tissue testing. Further Jeff Stine President of Sylvite will provide insight in the Fertilizer Futures for 2011. Come join others in this effort.
Category: Wheat Stand Spring Assessment
CCA Credit Opportunity
To the more than 130 CCA’s here is a chance to gain more CCA credits for a nominal fee.
1 NM-.5 SW-4 PM-3.5 CM Credits will be offered at the CMEG Lebanon Crops and Soils Conference.
Sign Up today!
Pesticide Credits Offered
On Feb 23rd there will be a whole host of credits offered for private applicators. A total of 5 credits will be offered to applicators in category and core material. A grower could gain 5 core or 5 category credits or do a mix. The event is offered throught Penn State Extension Crop Management Group and offers numerous other important discussions. Topics will range from What is new in herbicide, the benefit of fungicides on wheat and key discussions on personal safety and this year how to check your poly tanks for safety.
For more information tap on this link and sign up today.
CMEG Crop and Soils Conference — Lebanon
Potassium Deficiency in Soybeans 2010
After a field diagnostic call from a grower. I decided to take pictures of the problem for diagnosis. You can see the field wide shot then as one walks the beans the tell tale K deficiency shows up with burn from the outside edge of the petiole. After collecting soil samples from the good and bad areas the resulting 45 ppm difference both low but at the 45 ppm level the deficiency was seen visibly. Finally after a 200lb/acre of muriate that afternoon the recovery of hte plants and quick turn around in the field.
Seed Corn Maggots Strike Again Spring 2010
Still not considering a seed treatment on soybeans. Here is a great example of what can happen to bare soybeans. This producer lost 60,000 soybeans and had to replant. Flies were all over the place in the field. We drilled another 80 ,000 beans into this field and they were treated and the producer was able to take off a nice yield at hte end of the year.
Take Home: Could have been avoided with a simple seed treatment.
2010 Chemical Lessons
Here is a shot of a field of corn that had Basis applied pre the last nozzle did not cover the final row. Another great example of misapplication. There were surges in the field. Who knows whenever you get rain right after an application of residuals funky things can happen. The hybrid was also sensitive to ALS so between that and the rain immediately following application they came together in the cool weather that followed.
Vertical Tillage Thoughts – Del Voight Senior Extension Agent- Penn State Extension
K State Video of theory behind Vertical Tillage
I liked this video from K state. I took part in some demonstrations and have not had the time to get all the video compiled. Here are some ideas and thoughts I have learned over the last few years.
Thoughts on Vertical Tillage. Needs more attention and research.
- It violates the definition of No till by the NRCS stating no full width tillage. Like it or not that is there stance.
- I have found it useful to warm soils where soybeans are to be planted in the spring. Research into this probably will find an early season growth differential.
- There are differences between manufacturers. Some are fixed meaning they cannot be adjusted similar to the Great Plains Turbo Till and some can be made to perform as aggressive as the producer needs and can be viewed as a primary tillage tool in some circles.
- I would expect research to yield data to support quicker break down of residue due to mixing of the soil with the residue. I would expect little yield affect for corn and more perhaps for soybeans alfalfa, and wheat( even though I dislike growers planting wheat into corn for obvious reasons)
- Some growers in my area have retrofitted old discs with straight discs and made their own vertical tillage tool.
- Thinking about residue management, more work needs to be looked into using stalk processors on the head to allow for more uniform spread and breakdown over winter perhaps equallying the benefits of vertical tillage. I have seen planting issues with intact corn stalks pinning and pushing residue. I did not see this with a stalk processing head or flail chopped fodder.
- Leveling of the soil? from what I have seen with a fixed type vertical tool there is little soil movement that would fill in holes or rills. Perhaps the more aggressive options could do that.
- On heavy soil where surface compaction is an issue research may prove this as a useful tool particularly where we do not “mind our manners” by getting on the soil when wet.
- Seeding cover crops post vertical tillage may prove beneficial for speed and seed to soil contact.
- SLUGS I did have a grower whom firmly believes his slug issue has been minimized by using vertical tillage spring and fall. More work needs to capture that effect.
- How far away from a light disc is vertical tillage?
More work needs to be done in this area. Alot of growers have purchased these tools and like them that might be the true assessment. I also have growers that tried them and have opted not to purchase. Everyone has a different set of issues and they need to make the final notes.
Pop Up fert
near or with the seed.
Potassium soil test levels that are high to very high in Virginia are associated with heavier textured soils, i.e. silt loams and clay soils. Many sandy and sandy loam soils do not have adequate cation exchange capacity to hold enough K to reach a high soil test level. Therefore, potassium soil test levels will decline more rapidly than P. Potassium removal rates are such that not enough K can be supplied in starter or pop-up fertilizers to supply plant needs and yield reductions will be seen if no other fertilizer is applied.
early in the growing season to seedlings. An understanding of the potential benefits and precautions with each fertilizer application method and source enables the appropriate choices to be made by each
grower. Overall, a comprehensive soil testing program combined with appropriate fertilizer sources, application rates, and application methods will enable growers to manage one of their greatest input
costs, nutrients.
027/424-027.html Accessed 21 February 2010.
2010 Soybean Yield Contest.
Soybean Yield Contest winners top 92 bushel/acre
Two winners in the 2010 Pa. Soybean Yield Contest both topped a whopping 92-bushels per acre, more than double the 2010 Pennsylvania average soybean yield of 43 bushels per acre reported by the USDA.
A. Dale Herr, of Kirkwood, Lancaster County was the top producer in the annual competition sponsored by the Pennsylvania Soybean Promotion Board, with a yield of 92.78 bushels per acre. Not far behind was fellow Lancaster County soybean grower Charles Farms, Inc. with a 92.36 bushel per acre yield. Third place winner was Robert Shearer of Mt. Joy with 87.18 bushels per acre.
Prior to this year, Charles Farms was the only contestant in the 19-year history of the contest ever to beat the 90 bushels per acre mark, winning the Yield Contest in 2007 with 90.11 bushels per acre.
We asked the two top contest winners to share their crop management strategies for producing 90+ bushel beans.
Foliar feeding
A. Dale Herr’s record-breaking yield was Pioneer 93M11 planted in 7.5″ rows. The crop followed corn, was drilled no-till at a population of 176,600 and was harvested on Sept. 21 a final stand of 163,786 with 10.04% moisture.
“We’ve been in the top five a number of times,” says Herr. “We did some experimenting and backed off on population. The advantage to that is the beans don’t get so tall. They don’t fall down on the ground and you put more pods on the bottom. That’s my thinking. If you plant real thick, the beans have to stretch up to get the sunlight, and then they get so tall they end up on the ground. For most of the beans I planted for the contest, we dropped back to about 175,000 population, and they did real well for us.
“And then the last couple of years, we’ve been doing some foliar feeding,” he continues.”Last year we did it one time and got the best yield I ever had, so this year, we went to double foliar feeding for the contest, and I had the best average I ever had this year in my whole crop.”
Plant early
Charles Farms, another frequent winner in the Yield Contest, also planted Pioneer 93M11 in 7.5″ rows in rye stubble. His crop was drilled no-till at a substantially higher population of 225,000, and the final stand, populated at 209,088, was harvested Sept. 20 at 12.67% moisture.
“We try to plant early, pretty much the end of April is when we get our highest yields,” says Charles.”The last few years we’ve planted the same variety, which has been pretty hard to beat. Some of the shorter season beans did really well, and then we had a longer season bean planted just a week later, and the yields dropped by 4 bushels. This year, early was the best because of the very dry summer we had: the later beans ran out of moisture.”
In contrast to Herr’s approach, Charles Farm plants a higher population. “We plant early and we never know what kind of weather we’re going to get, so we err on the high side,” Charles explains. “We drill, and it’s almost like a controlled spill. With a corn planter, you could put the seed in more accurately. I think we could get away with a little less, but we plant early when it’s cold, so we plant on the high side.”
Charles added that proper potash levels are also vital. “It’s important for tomatoes, corn and whatever we do, but especially for soybeans. They like potash,” he says.
Yearly yield average increases
According to Delbert Voight, Penn State Senior Extension Agent who oversees the program, average yield of the 30 participating growers in 2010 was 70.44 bushels per acre. “Each year, the base soybean yields have been climbing at a rate of about a bushel per acre,” says Voight.
As the winner of the contest, Herr receive an all-expense paid trip for two to the 2011 Commodity Classic, the annual joint convention of the American Soybean Association, National Corn Growers Association, National Association of Wheat Growers, and the National Grain Sorghum Producers. Commodity Classic features a trade show, valuable educational sessions, technology demonstrations, association banquets, and networking opportunities. Second-place winner Charles Farms received a $500 cash prize, and third-place winner Shearer received a $250 cash prize.
Yield Contest Crop Management Statistics
Crop management statistics gleaned from the 2010 contestants’ reports:
· 30 growers participated
· Average yield = 70.44 bu./acre
· 63% of growers used no-till
· 70% planted by May 20 or earlier
· 43% favored 11 to 20 inch rows, with the remainder evenly distributed between 30″ rows and 10″ or under rows
· 70% used treated seed
· 53% followed with a small grain cover crop
· Average seed drop = 176,118
· Average population at harvest =150,338
· Most growers had the crop in the bin by Oct. 20
A summary of the production information for all 30 entries can be found on the Pennsylvania Soybean Board website at
2010 Soybean Yield Contest Top Ten
Rank |
Name |
County |
Yield (bu./acre) |
Variety |
1. |
A. Dale Herr |
Lancaster |
92.78 |
Pioneer P93M11 |
2. |
Charles Farms, Inc. |
Lancaster |
92.36 |
Pioneer P93M11 |
3. |
Robert Shearer |
Lancaster |
87.18 |
Pioneer P93M11 |
4. |
James E. Hershey |
Lancaster |
84.56 |
Northrup King NK S28‐B4 |
5. |
Richard C. Krieder |
Lebanon |
83.15 |
Pioneer P 93Y13 |
6. |
Kyle Henninger |
Lehigh |
82.91 |
Asgrow AG3539 |
7. |
Herman Manbeck |
Berks |
82.33 |
Pioneer P93Y91 |
8. |
David Wolfskill |
Berks |
79.31 |
Asgrow AG3803 |
9. |
Elvin Reilt |
Lancaster |
77.37 |
Hubner H3901 |
10. |
Darren Grumbine |
Lebanon |
74.94 |
Pioneer P93Y20 |
How to enter the 2011 Soybean Yield Contest
The yield contest, launched by the Pennsylvania Soybean Promotion Board in 1992, is attracting more growers every year. Any bona fide farmer who farms in Pennsylvania and grows five acres or more of soybeans within Pennsylvania’s boundaries is eligible.
To download an application for the 2011 contest, go do or send a request for an application to:
Pa. Soybean Yield Contest, Attn: Del Voight
2120 Cornwall Rd., Suite 1
Lebanon, PA 17402
Soybean Seed Treatments | Corn and Soybean Digest press release archives
Soybean Seed Treatments Corn and Soybean Digest press release archives
Pioneer will have a green type of seed going into this spring. More on seed treatments as I gather the necessary information.