The equation below is a MathML representation with MathJax implementation of one version of Planck’s Law. As of October 2012 supported browsers include Firefox 4+, Safari 5+ or Internet Explorer 9 with MathPlayer 3.

E= 2πh c 2 λ 5 ( e hcλ k b T 1 )

Base MathML Code

Below is the presentation MathML code used.

<math display="block" xmlns="">

Display In Sites At Penn State

To display this equation in Sites at Penn State or other Word Press site, you need to enable the MathJax-LaTeX plugin, then set the display to TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML. See the MathML page for more information.

Any MathML used must be inserted in code view and must be enclosed in [mathjax] shortcode tags. See partial example below

<math display="block" xmlns="">



When MathML is used outside of Sites at Penn State, it is recommended that a link to the MathJax library be included using one of the links below. See the MathML and MathJax page for more information.

MathJax Script Links

For a Public Page

<script type="text/javascript"

For a Password Protected Page

Use the link below for ANGEL or a password protected LMS or archive.

<script type="text/javascript"