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The Qualtrics survey tool licensed by Penn State can be used to build accessible surveys, but some precautions should be taken.

Inaccessible Question Types

Any survey question in which the user must use a slider, drag and drop or select an area with a mouse is probably not accessible. However, many of these questions do have accessible variants.

For specific information see the Qualtrics Accessible and Non-Accessible Question Types page.

Change Next Button Labels

By default buttons to navigate to the previous and next page are « and », both of which are read as "left double angle bracket" and "right double angle bracket" in a screen reader.

Qualtrics recommends changing these labels to something like Back and Next. This can be done within your survey by clicking the Edit Surveys tab, then the Look & Feel link.

Auto Number Questions

Use the Auto Number option to ensure that questions are listed with a number before each question. This helps users on a screen reader and others track their progress through the survey.

Check Survey Accessibility

Qualtrics includes a tool to check survey accessibility. Read more at Support.

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