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Turnitin is a is a Web-based plagiarism detection and prevention system licensed to Penn State instructors. Below is a summary of accessibility information

Avoid Voice Recording for Deaf Students

If a student needs captions for audio and video, it is recommended to avoid using Voice Annotation to provide feedback that student. There are many other text based feedback tools that can be used.

Blind Users on a Screen Reader

Turnitin includes accessibility accommodations for screen readers in its default interface. However, some screen reader testers have reported usability issues in some functions. Therefore, a blind student may still need additional support.

Document Upload: Copy and Paste Option

Testers on screen readers have reported that they have had more success with the Copy and Paste option rather than a document upload.

Documents Uploaded Through ANGEL

There is currently no keyboard method to upload a document through the ANGEL Turnitin interface. Instructors can manually enroll the student into the Turnitin course and point students to the non-ANGEL interface as needed.

Contact IT Service Desk for more information.

Upload Assignment for Student

If a student reports a problem uploading an assignment, an instructor does have the option of uploading a file on behalf of the student. Contact IT Service Desk for more information.

GradeMark and Originality Reports for Students

A PDF version of these reports is available with text based pages placed at the end. Students with severe vision impairments may only be able to access individual comments detached from the original text. We recommend instructors take care to write comments which include the original text and then the comment. That way a screen reader can understand the context without seeing where the comment is placed.

Peer Review Assignments

There is currently no way a student can use a keyboard to access papers they have been assigned to review. This affects blind students using a screenreader as well as students with certain motion impairments.

Instructors should allow students who use a keyboard to complete peer review assignments outside of Turnitin. Instructors can copy and paste critiques for students in a Word file and allow students to add comments in the same file.
Note: If a student on a screen reader is asked to critique a long document, the document should probably be an accessible Word file. See the Accessible Microsoft Word page for more details.


Students or instructors who need to report an accessibility concern can send them to or

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