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Web Liaisons have been appointed by the Penn state administration to be the central point of contact for that budget unit’s web accessibility efforts.
In many units, Web Liaisons may need to communicate with other staff maintaining online content in order to optimize accessibility across an entire unit’s web presence.
Note: Information for Web Liaisons, including meeting times and agendas are communicated in the Web Liaisons group in Yammer. This venue is open to others interested in Web accessibility.
Web Liaisons monitor and facilitate accessibility efforts for their unit’s web pages and web applications. Duties may include:
- Web Liaisons should be the central point of contact regarding accessibility for a certain unit, although they may not be in control of the actual web pages and web applications themselves.
- Web Liaisons should determine the needs of their unit including:
- Identifying the most important pages to the unit’s web presence so they can be examined first.
- Creating a plan to identify and remediate accessibility issues
- Determining training needs for Web staff in the unit.
- A Web Liaison’s job includes communication to, the IT professionals and other staff in charge of maintaining those web pages and web applications in a clear and concise way. This may include:
- Providing training opportunities within a unit.
- Facilitating discussions with web site developers when accessibility issues are found.
- Web Liaisons are also the people that communicate important information about the accessibility of their unit’s web pages and web applications to the IT Accessibility team ( This information can include:
- the current status of the department’s web accessibility,
- the results of audits,
- requests for staff training, consultations and accessibility tests.
Yammer Communication
Information for Web Liaisons, including meeting times and agendas are communicated in the Web Liaisons group in Yammer ( See the Yammer KB ( for information about how to join a group in Yammer.
Note: This venue is open to others interested in Web accessibility.
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See additional details at the IT Knowledge Base article.