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Word Forms are forms created in Microsoft Word, available to Penn State users through the Office 365 suite.

Form Field Accessibility

Form Field Types

Given the simple nature of Word Forms, form field types are inherently accessible as they involve leaving enough space for a user to input their response to a question.

Form Field Labels

All form fields should have meaningful labels and they should include short instructions. Although more information can be entered below the label, that information may not be read aloud by default. See the example below.

Example Label

Penn Sate Access ID (e.g. xyz123)

Note that the example xyz123 provides additional information on what is expected in the Access ID field.

Uploading Images and Videos

If images, videos or other files are embedded in a form question, then that object should also be accessible. Examples of media would include:

  • Adding ALT Text to any added images.
  • Making sure all added video has captions.

Add ALT Text

If you embed an image into a Word Form, you should also add a text caption to the image. This caption will become the image ALT text.

Creating a Form

  1. Log in to Office 365 using Penn State Webaccess account.
  2. Launch Microsoft Word.
  3. Select New Blank Document.
  4. Describe the form you are creating, including what sort of questions will be asked.
  5. Using a new line for each, type questions in available text box, leaving space for user input.

    Example Question

    Q: What is your Penn Sate Access ID? A: [User input] (e.g. xyz123)

  6. Be sure to follow standard form design considerations.
  7. When finished, distribute form to desired users for completion.

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