RCL Blog

Reflection on Civic Artifact Speech

While preparing for my Civic Artifact speech, I was unsure of my delivery, what I was going to talk about and how to prepare for it. I felt very unsure and unprepared. Needless to say, I think my overall presentation of my civic artifact speech was executed well. With that being said there are areas where I could improve upon One of them is ensuring to make visual contact with the audience. Public speaking is something that I struggle with so when I was presenting my speech, I was unable to make eye contact with the audience, which led to me reading my speech from the paper.  

Overall, I think I did an excellent job, mainly because I was able to present concise and clear speaking points. Also, I got a lot of comments on how students enjoyed that I was able to present two sides to the argument relating to the over-sexualization of women in music. I also really liked the visuals, which helped to show how much music has changed and evolved over time. But I know that I will have to work on my stage presence and learn how to speak more fluently in order to engage with my audience. 

In general, I think everyone did a fantastic job with their speeches and visuals. I really enjoyed hearing their perspective and analyses on their topics 

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