Deborah Gulick
Deb Gulick joined the Office of Digital Learning in 2008. She holds a B.A. in business economics and accounting from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown and M.Ed. in instructional systems from Penn State. In her role as an instructional designer with ODL, Deb collaborates closely with faculty, staff, and students as she designs and supports online courses in art history, interior design, music, sustainability, and theatre. Over the years, Deb has served as a member of the Center for Pedagogy in Arts and Design (C-PAD) Faculty Development Subcommittee and the Staff Advisory Council. She is currently a member of the Learning Design Summer Camp Committee and Digital Media and Technology Committee, a co-leader of the Borland Building Green Team, and a founding member of the A&A Sustainability Council, where she serves as the Operations Working Group Leader. Deb recently co-facilitated Penn State’s office and college-wide Green Paws program and received the A&A Sustainability Staff Award in the spring of 2023. She enjoys meeting and working with so many wonderful and talented people in the College of Arts and Architecture.

Years of Service

Years of Service
Deb Gulick joined the Office of Digital Learning in 2008. She holds a B.A. in business economics and accounting from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown and M.Ed. in instructional systems from Penn State. In her role as an instructional designer with ODL, Deb collaborates closely with faculty, staff, and students as she designs and supports online courses in art history, interior design, music, sustainability, and theatre. Over the years, Deb has served as a member of the Center for Pedagogy in Arts and Design (C-PAD) Faculty Development Subcommittee and the Staff Advisory Council. She is currently a member of the Learning Design Summer Camp Committee and Digital Media and Technology Committee, a co-leader of the Borland Building Green Team, and a founding member of the A&A Sustainability Council, where she serves as the Operations Working Group Leader. Deb recently co-facilitated Penn State’s office and college-wide Green Paws program and received the A&A Sustainability Staff Award in the spring of 2023. She enjoys meeting and working with so many wonderful and talented people in the College of Arts and Architecture.