How the Roots of Puerto Rican Culture is Reflected in Art Songs of Puerto Rican Composers
This thesis is focused on investigating the history and music of the various cultures that formed Puerto Ricans and how these cultural influences are manifested in our Puerto Rican music. In this project, I will explore the development of the music in Puerto Rico and the qualities and characteristics that differentiate the Puerto Rican music from other countries. The geographic and ethnic sources of the rhythms, melodies and instruments in Puerto Rican music will be investigated in order to demonstrate how these elements are reflected in the Puerto Rican art songs. The purpose of this research is to have a better knowledge of the music and cultural history of my country. It will help me understand why our music has been composed in this way and how it affects us and those who listen to it. I also want to share how much beauty and richness there is in our songs, and how many talented composers and poets have come out of the Island of Enchantments. I would like to develop a sense of national identity and more fully understand the diversity that is innate to our music; then I would like to share what I have learned with my fellow Puerto Ricans. Finally, my last desire is to make this repertoire accessible for everyone to learn and perform.