Deanna N. Herb

Possible Selves of Instrumental Student Teachers During COVID-19

The purpose of this research was to explore the experiences of elementary instrumental student teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The related research questions were (1) How has COVID-19 influenced student teachers’ perceived preparedness? (2) How has COVID-19 influenced the perceived possible teacher selves of the preservice elementary instrumental music teachers? An instrumental case study examined three student teachers in elementary and middle school band placements through the theoretical framework of possible selves (Markus & Nurius, 1986), using interviews, observations, and journal entries. Themes included restructuring teacher identity due to the pandemic, prioritization of nonmusical teaching skills, and compromised visions of possible teacher selves due to lack of experiences. Teacher educators should consider the impacts of COVID-19 on undergraduate students’ experiences as students face the pedagogical implications of the pandemic.


Research Poster
Research Poster