Pei-Jhen Gong

Unmasking Carnival Music: Insights into Rochberg’s Suite for Piano

The landscape of 20th-century music witnessed a myriad of innovative composers, yet few struck a balance between tradition and modernity as aptly as George Rochberg. His compositional genius lies in his seamless fusion of historical motifs with contemporary techniques, fostering a rich dialogue between the past and the present. This paper will unravel Rochberg’s multi-faceted approach, beginning with an exploration of his life, and continuing with his distinctive interpretations of the Bach motif, the innovative methods he employed, and the profound philosophical underpinnings that guided his work on Carnival Music. By examining specific improvisations in the second and fifth movements and thematic transformation in the other movements, we gain insight into Rochberg’s interpretation of classical motifs and his innovative methods of thematic transformation, underlining his role as a bridge between eras.–kbkTa5AuZScZ-H/view?usp=sharing


Pei-Jhen performing the 1st movement of Rochberg’s Carnival music in Esber Rehearsal Hall
Pei-Jhen performing the 1st movement of Rochberg’s Carnival music in Esber Rehearsal Hall
The cover of the presentation for Rochberg’s Carnival Music.
The cover of the presentation for Rochberg’s Carnival Music.
Dr. Pei-Jhen Gong
Dr. Pei-Jhen Gong