Drawing Out Fungal Care: An anti-colonial, Latina/x Feminist Approach Toward Remediating Gaia’s Symbiopoietic Homeokinesis in Response to the Metabolic Rift
The metabolic rift theory evinces the dynamic balance by which life is sustained on the planet in terms of respecting the principles of homeokinesis and symbiopoiesis.
Nevertheless, nature’s metabolism is disturbed by a second order imposition that is founded on agonism, an affect that discursively structures the present globalized production system. In precluding vital forms of replenishment and reciprocity, the second order imposition provokes the current planetary crisis.
Therefore, I designed a theory-informed, arts-based practice—drawing out—to relate participant experiences of burnout with the broader phenomenon of the metabolic rift. ‘Drawing Out’ combines methods grounded in aisthesis, queer autoarte, and dialogic drawing to trace the process of burnout and energetic depletion and to develop a sensible awareness toward recognizing the principle of ‘mycorrhizal symbiopoiesis’ (making-with as becoming-with; the evolutionary production of selves among the many) following Lynn Margulis’s theory of evolutionary symbiogenesis and Donna Haraway’s concept of sympoiesis. The
broader aim is to form coalitional care webs of people working together in catalyzing a paradigmatic shift from agonism to loving collaboration, as a pilgrimage of complex ‘worlding’ as envisioned by María Lugones and inspired by the way mycorrhizal fungi perform care in nature.
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