814-863-0471 oeoa@psu.edu

Countering Unconscious or Implicit Bias

  • Acknowledge and discuss the potential for bias to exist and influence decision making at various stages; Be willing to disrupt the status quo
  • What types of bias might exist within the field or towards underrepresented individuals?
  • Slow down – Be intentional
  • Create and communicate structure
  • Carefully consider standardized processes (ranking, interviewing, etc.)
  • Implement a process that makes managing the number of applicants reasonable enough to allow for a more thorough review.

Types of Unconscious or Implicit Bias

Affinity bias:  The tendency to think positively about people like ourselves.

Halo effect:  The tendency to see one great thing about a person and think everything is good about that person as a result.

Horns effect:  The tendency to focus on one particularly negative feature about a person, which then clouds your view of their other qualities.

Confirmation bias:  The tendency for people to seek information that confirms pre-existing beliefs or assumptions about that person.

Conformity bias:  The tendency to mimic others’ beliefs or hold back your own thoughts and opinions (i.e. group think).